Anchor Support: Red box in front of slip surface
When I run my stability analysis with an anchor, it is showing that the support from the bonded zone is in front of the critical failure surface (as shown by the red box). When I make the anchor longer, this support goes away, which seems to me the opposite of what should happen. What is going on?
Accumulated length
Hey there, Anyone knows how can I create an accumulate length or a total length for different units for drillholes, using Leapfrog Geo or Edge? Thanks
gxcore; compilation error
Good day, I'm trying to compile C++ examples from here (https://github.com/GeosoftInc/gxcore/tree/v2024.2/examples/cpp) using MS Visual Studio. The compiler keeps throwing the following error: Probably, I'm doing something silly. If so, could anybody advise me on how I can solve this? As far as I remember, "default" is a…
Geosoft Installation failed
Hi, I am not able to install Geosoft 2024.1.0. Every time after completing 53% it is showing error
Issues with Topo
Hey, there - I am very new to the software. I have a question that's related to topography. I have sucessfully been able to get topography to import as a proper surface. Other times, it comes in as a block. I'm not sure why this is happening. I have tried doing .grd, .tif, and .asc files. All files are to the same extent…
How can i change the number of decimal places on an entry in my legend on a section?
I'm creating a cross section with a block model of a mag survey (discrete colourmap). My values are all quite small (3 decimal places) but the legend on the section will only display whole numbers. I can't see where I can add decimal places. Thanks for any help!
How do I get the estimated block model grade on my planned drilling via. the drilling prognoses tool
Using the drilling prognoses tools the leapfrog3d help segment suggests that planned drill holes can be evaluated against a block model: Planning Drillholes (leapfrog3d.com) There are two columns shown there, Au and GM. I have planned drill holes and I need to create a table of the approximate lithology and grade (from our…
Como puedo quitar esos bordes de la topografia?
Geothermal’s potential to be a pivotal player in the energy transition
FAST FACTS: Geothermal energy comes from heat in the earth’s core and has been used by people for cooking and heating for thousands of years The first geothermal energy plant opened in Italy in 1904. It produced enough steam to power five light bulbs. Geothermal energy is weather-independent unlike wind, hydro and solar,…
About fault
i want to know how to control fault depth and length in a model which is bigger than the fault.I have try a lot of time ,but can't solve it.
measurement conventions structural geology
First of all: THANKS for this really great visualisation tool! I am a retired Earth Science Professor (Structural Geology & Geoinformatics), still teaching my subjects occasionally. Trained in Germany, using a Clar Gefügekompass, I have always used "Dip Direction (Azimuth)" & "Dip" for my measurements, both planes and…
Geoslope E994 Convergence problem
Hello, In the case of a levee with multiple rows of anchors embedded in chalk, I perform a stability calculation by imposing a failure plane. My slope calculation does not converge (E994). I have tested different approaches: linear search and root finder. In the convergence graph, lambda never exceeds 0.2. Can it go beyond…
who have the training Drilling data used for EDGE?
I want to check a issue about Mineral Resource Estimation. and find my traiuning drilling data (see the follwoing map) is cracked. I forget where I can download from Seequent website too. So who can send a copy to me or tell me where I can download? Thank you!
Problem with calculated dip and azimuth from alpha and beta
I have Alpha 85 and Beta 50, calculated Dip is 34.314 and azimuth 346.096 in Leapfrog But tis is not correct, the azimuth need to be 50, and dip 85. What I'm doing wrong in setting imported drillhole structural data. Or the values need to be in radians or….?
Excess pore water pressure SIGMA W
Hi for All. SIGMA W visualise only total pore water pressure. How can i get and visualise the excess water pore pressure ?????
the method or operation is not implemented. photgraphing error?
was photographing a collection as normal, until the camera plugged in to the Imago Laptop needed it's battery replaced. and went flat. with a new battery being the only changed thing, we are now getting an error everytime we try to take a photo. the only info is that it says " the method of operation is not implemented.…
Leapfrog Geo Data for Training can't open in 2024.1.0
I'm trying to use the Oliver Project from Seequent to support my online training, but it doesn't update to my current version and open (image attached).Could you please help me on how to import it or even sending me the project in a version that can be opened? Thanks in advance!
Vein orientation error
Hello, I am being unable to process a vein because it doesnt let me flip orientation even though the hangingwall and footwall lines are correct. So I have 1 line of hangingwall as a gis object (on surface) and one for the footwall, but when I try to create a new vein in surface chronology it dips to the oposit direction,…
Multidialog menu
Hi all, Does anybody know how to create a multidialog menu using Python GX developer? Can't find anything about it in the API Reference. By multidialog menu I mean something like this (see image 1) instead of that (see image 2). Any clues, references or words of encouragement are much appreciated.
Target for ArcGIS Pro: geosoftarcpy module not found error, no tools work.
No tools work at all due to the same error: "geosoftarcpy" module not found. Is "_geosoftarcpy.cp39-win_amd64.py" the correct file name? That is the only script with a similar name as geosoftarcpy in the Target for ArcGIS Pro folder. Specifically, it is located here: C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Target for ArcGIS…
SEEP - Comparing groundwater scenarios, with/without excavated shaft
Hi I have created two steady-state 2d groundwater models without and with an excavation and a drainage layer. I would like to compare these and get the difference in water levels/pressure. I cant really seem to find any way to do this so I would really like to hear from the expertise here. Best regards
¿Es posible exportar un modelo geológico de un proyecto a otro sin convertirlo en un modelo estatic?
Tengo un modelo de alteración y otro litologico en dos proyectos separados, y quiero dejar ambos modelos en un solo proyecto. Leapfrog me permite exportar solo los solidos (dxf, msh,…), pero yo quiero que el modelo sea dinamico en el proyecto donde pretendo copiarlo. Creo que leapfrog no lo permite aun, solo he intentado…
Seequent Latest Releases
Transform how you work: connect, collaborate, and make better decisions with Seequent. To ensure you have the optimum user experience, please use the latest version of your Seequent product. Find the latest versions on MySeequent. Need assistance with an update? Contact support. .
Is there a limit to the number of models a surface can be applied to?
I have 11 numerical models within a project and I am trying to apply a boundary using a mesh surface to each of the models. I can add the mesh surface to the "first" 4 models, but cannot add it to additional models. Removing the mesh surface from one model allows me to add it to another, leading me to believe there is a…
Groundwater analytical data over time best practice
Does anyone have a best practice for how to import groundwater data that was collected over many sampling events (10+)? I am running into "Overlapping intervals" errors since I am importing all of groundwater analytical data from several events in the same table. I've included a example table of the format I am using to…