Is any acceptable range of Lambda in slope/w?
In stability analyses, sometimes very weird slip surface come up for the critical slip surface, especially when we perform "block search". Then if we plot the FS vs Lambda, very possibly the converged Lambda value is less than say minus 0.2. Do we have any empirical range of Lambda, which is corresponding to the acceptable…
Coupled Sigma W and Seep W
Hi, I am modelling construction of a capping layer on top of the tailings. I use saturated model for tailings and unsat model for capping material. When I applied the first layer of capping layer, I get another water table at the top like a perched water table. I even use very low activation PWP and compressibility for…
Why is the "File Import" option greyed out in the file menu?
I want to import my dwg to create regions in GeoStudio, but the software is not giving me the option to import
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Is it possible to model capillary fringe with Seep/W?
Dear all, I am working on a project where we need to model the creeping flow with capillarity. I am curious and want to know if GeoStudio Seep/W is able to give us the shape of phreatic surface , height of seepage face and width of capillary fringe? answers will be appreciated. Thanks SM
Structural beams and bars in non-linear analysis of QUAKE/W
I need to study the dynamic non-linear response of reinforced soil wall with anchors. Hence, I used structural beams for reinforcement and structural bars for anchors. However, there was error in the model which displays "Structural beams and bars cannot be specified with a non-linear analysis in QUAKE/W" What can be done…
Why am I seeing positive head above the water table in my seepage Model (SEEP/W)?
Hi All, I have a seepage model in SEEP/W where I am modeling a seepage flow due to storm surchage for a coastal flood wall. I'm looking at steady-state analyses (as an upper bound/worst case scenario with prolonged max flood water elevation) as well as transient analyses (with water surface rising/falling with storm and…
Two Identical Slope/W Models Returning Different Factors of Safety
I have two approximately identical slope/w models of an existing earthen embankment dam with different factors of safety. Both models consider a failure of the upstream slope of the embankment. The only difference between the two models is how the approximately same phreatic surface is input. "Model 1" has a phreatic…
Direction of seismic loads and the need for seepage analysis prior to stability analysis
For the stability analysis of embankment dam, what should be the direction of horizontal and vertical seismic coefficient. 1.What is the meaning of a positive and negative coefficient for both vertical and horizontal case? 2. For eg. for the stability analysis of embankment dam for d/s slope what should be the sign for the…
Anchor Support: Red box in front of slip surface
When I run my stability analysis with an anchor, it is showing that the support from the bonded zone is in front of the critical failure surface (as shown by the red box). When I make the anchor longer, this support goes away, which seems to me the opposite of what should happen. What is going on?
Geoslope E994 Convergence problem
Hello, In the case of a levee with multiple rows of anchors embedded in chalk, I perform a stability calculation by imposing a failure plane. My slope calculation does not converge (E994). I have tested different approaches: linear search and root finder. In the convergence graph, lambda never exceeds 0.2. Can it go beyond…
Excess pore water pressure SIGMA W
Hi for All. SIGMA W visualise only total pore water pressure. How can i get and visualise the excess water pore pressure ?????
SEEP - Comparing groundwater scenarios, with/without excavated shaft
Hi I have created two steady-state 2d groundwater models without and with an excavation and a drainage layer. I would like to compare these and get the difference in water levels/pressure. I cant really seem to find any way to do this so I would really like to hear from the expertise here. Best regards
User-defined Constitutive model in Geostudio SIGMA/W
Dear all, Is it possible to implement a user-defined constitutive model into Geostuido SIGMA/W? If yes, then what programming language is supported? Are there any examples for reference? I'd appreciate it for your help. Regards Chou.
How to control the initial saturation degree in transient analysis
Hello. I'm conducting a transient analysis to simulate the infiltration of runoff into a sump, but I'm encountering convergence issues. Despite trying all the suggestions from here, here and here , I continue to see red crosses in few steps (day 45-48). Upon reviewing my model, I noticed that the transition in saturation…
Problems with water flux around frozen body (seep/w and temp/w coupled analysis)
Hello, I am modeling the formation of a frozen body around a freezing pipe with flowing groundwater. When defining the materials I selected the "reduce flux in frozen soil". Looking at my results I still have water flowing through the frozen body. How can I make sure that the frozen body is impermeable? See also attached…
E994 Error Soil Nail Design
Hi, I'm working on a soil nail design. We used fully specified method, and I have encountered E994 error in a few of the slip surface's FOS. I am not entirely sure if I can change the slip surface. Anyone has an idea to fix this other than redrawing/tweaking the slip surface? I tried changing the drillhole dia, bond…
Drainage Trench BC
I am trying to model the effect of installing perforated pipe interceptor drains, within a sand and gravel trench. Would the trench itself have the drainage BC around it? Thanks
Modeling an infiltration trench in SEEP/W
Hi! I'm working with SEEP/W with a student licence, trying to model an infiltration trench used as BMP to reduce stormwater runoff, but I have some doubts: I'm not sure about the correct BC for my problem, in particoular if I should use the "potential seepage face review" along the sides of the trench or not; I don't…
Geostudio V.S. ABAQUS Results Comparation in CK0DC Condition
Dear all, I'm using the ABAQUS 6.14-4 and Geostudio 2022.1 to simulate the CK0DC test (Drained triaxial compression test on K0 consolidated clay), the soil material model is MCC (Modified Cam-clay), and the model parameters keep the same in two applications. The main purpose is to see if it's the same as the stress-strain…
Hello everyone.. Thank you for this program that allows us to help in various ways.. I have a three-part question: First, what are the implications of (X AND O) that appeared on the dam after the analysis?? Second: How can I draw and represent the safety factor over time on Chart form?? Third: How can we enter daily…
The programming capabilities of Geostudio
Hello everyone. May I ask a question that is related to the programming capabilities of Geostudio? As we know, Python is the built-in programming language in ABAQUS, which supports users to do the following: 1.create and modify the components of an Abaqus model, such as parts, materials, loads and stages; 2.create, modify…
Problem with lateral (X) displacement in QUAKE/W Dynamic analysis
Hello everyone, I have had problems with the lateral displacement on my dynamic analysis models, they continue to grow from a certain point in the seismic record to unrealistic values such as tens or hundreds of meters. I have modifed the material properties and the seismic records, where the problem still exists. I used…
Thousand Simulations slope/w and seep/w
Hi, I have a levee model that uses slope/w and seep/w for transient analysis. I aim to employ this model in studying the response to 1000 different hydrographs (representing various hydraulic load conditions). While I have researched for information on this, my current understanding is the use of PEST for parameter…
GeoStudio 2023 to 2020
Is it possible to change the GeoStudio 2023 file to 2020, without using the 2023 license? Unfortunately, this is not possible with the viewing license.