Creating GM with both surficial lithologic map and borehole lithology
An ongoing problem that I am trying to solve is: how can I create a geological model (GM) that uses borehole lithologic and also uses an existing surficial lithologic map (vector polygons; e.g., shapefile)? I want the resulting GM to be informed by the surficial map in areas where boreholes are sparse, and also accurately…
How to use surface lithology (outcrops) to constrain surfaces
Hello, i'm new to leapfrog and I need some expert help. I'm working on a model consisting of basement (TCS+TPG) and Quaternary deposits (ac+af+gi). I'm working only with a geological map (no borehole at the moment). Below you can see the model with basement in brown and gi (glacial deposits) in turquoise. gi is modeled as…
2d interpolation
I have data on Fe levels in boreholes. can LF interpolate 2d Fe levels in boreholes?