Problem with calculated dip and azimuth from alpha and beta
I have Alpha 85 and Beta 50, calculated Dip is 34.314 and azimuth 346.096 in Leapfrog But tis is not correct, the azimuth need to be 50, and dip 85. What I'm doing wrong in setting imported drillhole structural data. Or the values need to be in radians or….?
the method or operation is not implemented. photgraphing error?
was photographing a collection as normal, until the camera plugged in to the Imago Laptop needed it's battery replaced. and went flat. with a new battery being the only changed thing, we are now getting an error everytime we try to take a photo. the only info is that it says " the method of operation is not implemented.…
Is it possible to rotate uploaded images in Imago Capture X?
I have already taken my rock core images and plan to import and crop them, but they also need to be rotated. I'd prefer to do it all in Imago in one shot instead of having to rotate them separately
Luminiscence Images
Tengo Imagenes de luminiscencia que fueron tomadas a las cajas de los barrenos, y quiero cargarlas en imago de manera que se visualicen a lo largo del barreno, podran apoyarme con el procedimiento? Saludos Miguel
Moved: Imago tethered photography on android device?
This discussion has been moved.