Nominate your mining project!
Got a cutting-edge mining project? Now’s your chance to showcase it on a global stage! Bentley’s Going Digital Awards are open for nominations, and the Subsurface Modelling & Analysis category is available to ALL Seequent customers. 🌍 Why nominate? Recognizes projects that advance subsurface understanding with digital…
New Community Champion - Joaquin Morales
👋 Hi, Seequent community! 🌎🌎 I'm Joaquin Morales Villalobos, Geologist at Seequent, and proud Community Champion here at Seequent! I’m part of the Latin America team and based in Santiago office, Chile. With a background in mining and subsurface modeling, I'm here to help you get the most out of Seequent's tools and…
Seequent customers - get ready to shine on a global stage!
Nominate your project now! Have your groundbreaking projects recognised and celebrated by nominating them in Bentley’s 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure: Subsurface Modeling & Analysis category. Here's why: 🥳 Showcase your innovative use of digital technology worldwide. ✈️ Finalists win a trip to Amsterdam to…
New Community Champion - Ingrid Araujo
👋 Hi Seequent Community! I’m Ingrid Araujo, a geologist and proud Community Champion here at Seequent! 🌎 I’m part of the Latin America team and based in the Rio de Janeiro office, Brazil. With a background in geoscience and hands-on experience using Leapfrog and Central, I love helping professionals like you make the most…
Leapfrog 2024.1 release - new features and enhancements to Survey Tables
Here's a quick, insightful webinar you won’t want to miss! Learn how the latest improvements to survey tables can enhance your confidence in decision-making. In just a few minutes, you’ll discover: •The importance of visualising survey data •How to quickly identify inaccuracies in drill hole paths •Ways to customise data…
Limited Spots - Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals (Webinar)
This instructor-led remote course will provide you with the fundamentals skills to get the most out of Leapfrog Geo. It is a hybrid offering between the content presented in our standard in-person Fundamentals and Fundamentals Plus courses. Register here now
The latest version of Leapfrog 2024.1 is now available!
We're excited to introduce the latest version of Leapfrog with new functionality and enhancements to core tools and workflows. Key improvements include: 🐸 Ability to run multiple Leapfrog instances at the same time 🐸 Support for polyline attribution 🐸 Survey data enhancements 🐸 Improvements to interval selection Click here…
3D printing geological models tips and tricks
I wanted to drive a little discussion about 3D printing your models and ideas / tips on settings and edits needed to make it work. The below picture is a vein model (or part of) that I increased the thickness on and restricted what volumes where included to make the printing go easier. Then I exported that out as a OBJ…
Oliver dataset
Is there possible to have this dataset in order to practice on our desktop?
Postgresql ODBC connection
Can someone explain me where to find information about editing the ODBC connection to a postgresql database? Thanks!
The training data called "Project Oliver" is from a real mineral deposit?
Import *.ifc BIM-format into Leapfrog Works?
Is it possible to import ifc data (BIM format) into Leapfrog Works? I know you can export into ifc but not sure about the import.
Clipping Geologic Model
How would I clip my geologic model visually, but retain all of the data outside of the clipped extent?
Is it possible to export cross section traces as shapefiles or polylines?
Looking for a way to view my serial cross section trace lines in a program like ArcGIS Pro or QGIS without having to georeference a plan map and manually add them.
Creating GM with both surficial lithologic map and borehole lithology
An ongoing problem that I am trying to solve is: how can I create a geological model (GM) that uses borehole lithologic and also uses an existing surficial lithologic map (vector polygons; e.g., shapefile)? I want the resulting GM to be informed by the surficial map in areas where boreholes are sparse, and also accurately…
Updated System Requirements
As the recommended system requirements haven't been updated since 2019, (when the recommended Graphics card and processor were released. Do anyone have any recommendations on the hardware for an optimal system? We are running some data heavy models which are taking days to process. I would like to build a dedicated system…
Looking for Guidance on Leapfrog Geo Optimization for Big Geological Models
Hello Everyone, I’ve been working on a project that involves building a large-scale geological model using Leapfrog Geo, and I’m running into some challenges. I’m reaching out to tap into the collective expertise here and hopefully gain some insights or tips. My model incorporates multiple data sources, including extensive…
erosion model
I am trying to model my OB using erosion model. The output OB is not snapping the topography, although I am using topography for my litho model boundary.
Select lithology colours in a combined model of a tunnel
Hi LF community, I've made a Combined Model of a twin tunnel to show the lithology inside it. The colour legend is the same as the BH's intervals. When trying to separate the tunnels to build a combined model of each one individually, the colouring of each unit is not the same as the "original" ones. Is there a possibility…
Leapfrog Geo Interval Selection Bug
In Leapfrog Geo, there's a repeatable bug where if the Interval Selection editor is forced to close by starting another editor and it also needs to save changes, then the visible Categories/Lithologies will be reverted (undesirably) to previously visible Categories/Lithologies. Here are the steps that I can recreate this…
How to use surface lithology (outcrops) to constrain surfaces
Hello, i'm new to leapfrog and I need some expert help. I'm working on a model consisting of basement (TCS+TPG) and Quaternary deposits (ac+af+gi). I'm working only with a geological map (no borehole at the moment). Below you can see the model with basement in brown and gi (glacial deposits) in turquoise. gi is modeled as…
2d interpolation
I have data on Fe levels in boreholes. can LF interpolate 2d Fe levels in boreholes?
Rock surface model, detect crossing with certain lithology
Hi I have created a rock surface model using "New mesh from offset points". The offset points are gathered from borehole data, at the soil-rock interface. As it is only the boreholes that are drilled in rock that is included, some of the boreholes which is only drilled in soil is passing trough the rock surface model. Is…
MapInfo batch export XML format - cannot parse
Hi there, I am not a MapInfo user, but I would like to create an XML for batch import of spatial data. I have an XML that was not created by MapInfo, but rather by a standalone python code. When I try to import the XML (via , "GIS Data, Map and Photos" —> "Batch Import" —> From MapInfo" I get an error that Leapfrog Geo was…
Contact Surface Values
I am building deposit surfaces in a GM and i am getting bad results (segments of drill holes not included in the surface). When I display the contact surface values, some of the drill holes do not have any points at all or have incomplete points and that is why they are not being honored by the surface (or so I think). Can…
How do i get LF to interpolate better between borehole points
Good Day, i have attached an image of an issue i am having with LF. I am trying to create a geological model from borehole data. I have known points however LF does not interpolate between some of these points. See blue arrow in image. I have tried adding in manual manipulations using polylines shown with the block box on…
How to make contour map of coal seams floor SF, roof SR if a coal seam is model using vain system?
I'm doing model of big coal deposit that has 2 main coal seams that are intercalated with a lot of clay lenses. So I did my model using Vein System. I need to make a map of total coal thickness and seam roof and floor. How Can I do that from a Vein System volume model?
Calculate length, area and volume of each stretch in a tunnel
Dear all, I want to know how to calculate the length, area and volume of each stretch in a combined tunnel model. In other words, how to separate each stretch by the lithology used within the model, and show (either through a table or a report) its length, area and volume. Many thanks!!
using one metal grade low CoG results in invalid value of other metal when reporting MRE
In the mineralization domain, there are Au, and Cu. Here I use eq(Cu+Au) to act as cut-off grade (CoG) to do Mineral Resource Estimation. eqCuAu means Cu +equvalent to Cu from Au when using CoG=0%, there are invalid in Cu grade and contained Cu; when using CoG=0.2%, there are still some invalid in Cu grade and contained…
Convert AGD84 to GDA94 easting/northing
Does anyone know the easiest way to convert from the AGD84 to GDA94 coordinate system? I registered my maps and cross-sections in Leapfrog under the AGD84 system, then exported them and uploaded them into a GDA94 system, but they still don’t align correctly. Any advice on what might be causing the issue or how to resolve…
Accumulated length
Hey there, Anyone knows how can I create an accumulate length or a total length for different units for drillholes, using Leapfrog Geo or Edge? Thanks
Issues with Topo
Hey, there - I am very new to the software. I have a question that's related to topography. I have sucessfully been able to get topography to import as a proper surface. Other times, it comes in as a block. I'm not sure why this is happening. I have tried doing .grd, .tif, and .asc files. All files are to the same extent…
How can i change the number of decimal places on an entry in my legend on a section?
I'm creating a cross section with a block model of a mag survey (discrete colourmap). My values are all quite small (3 decimal places) but the legend on the section will only display whole numbers. I can't see where I can add decimal places. Thanks for any help!