Reorganizing database
Hello! My current database is like this: x1 y1 z1 a1 b1 c2 d1 x2 y2 z2 a2 b2 c2 d2 x3 y3 z3 a3 b3 c3 d3 ... And I'm looking to get it into this format: x1 y1 z1 a1 x1 y1 z1 b1 x1 y1 z1 c1 x1 y1 z1 d1 x2 y2 z2 a2 x2 y2 z2 b2 x2 y2 z2 c2 x2 y2 z2 d2 x3 y3 z3 a3 x3 y3 z3 b3 x3 y3 z3 c3 x3 y3 z3 d3 ... Does anyone know of any…
Why my display have issue while I'm slicing ?
My layer become distorted when slicing. It's normal when i'm not slicing !
Import a 3D photogrammetry model into LeapFrog
I'm trying to import a 3D model from Agisoft Metashape to LF but I'm not able to see it, I've tried to import it as meshes and as a design but neither of the two I can see in the scene, can anyone help me?
how to combine polylines into one?
combine the two polylines into one
Leapfrog Geo just stall and stop processing
Hi All, Have any of you had experience when running Leapfrog and Leapfrog seems to stop even though it says processing but without that running bar? I just remove one drillhole and the task to process is 1.7K. After four hours, there is 256 tasks remaining when it stalled. I re-start, shut down my laptop but it did not…
Surface Contact
anyone can help, why my surface contact are skewed? why its not created as flat surface?
Erosional (Soil) surface is extending and connecting boreholes which doesn’t have soil lithology.
So I have vertical boreholes (iron ore deposit) and top layer is soil. When creating erosional layer using the ‘erosion’ surface in Leapfrog Geo as can be seen in the Fig. 1, resulting erosional layer is extending and connecting the boreholes which don’t even have soil as layer (yellow bold dots are soil layer and…
install geosoft 2024.1 error
Hi, I am unable to install Geosoft Release 2024.1 on a PC with W10 64bits I got the following error message during the install process: "Failed to download: http://updates.geosoft.com/Prereq/VCRuntime/VC2012.EXE". Any solution for this case? Thank you. Best regards,
How can i make my extruded meshes deeper than 10km?
Im making a extruded mesh from a polyline, to drape a image on it. However, i need the mesh to be 40km deep to fit the image, but the tool only let me extrude to 10km. Is there any other way to achieve that?
How to add structural trend or non-ctct structural data to a mesh without closing it?
I'm trying to create a mesh to use as a vein reference surface (it's a near-vertical vein running NW-SE for roughly 700m). I have a polyline based on some mapping, and some structural measurements. When i create the mesh with the polyline, it creates a mesh which looks pretty good. I then try to add a structural trend…
How can I generate the solid tin surface to from leapfrog to Civil3D
After the surface Chronology, how can I generate the soil volume mesh and then create or export to a tin solid surface in CIVIL 3D
Coupled Sigma W and Seep W
Hi, I am modelling construction of a capping layer on top of the tailings. I use saturated model for tailings and unsat model for capping material. When I applied the first layer of capping layer, I get another water table at the top like a perched water table. I even use very low activation PWP and compressibility for…
Recreating models & topographies in the new version of Visible Geology
Hi everyone! 👋 I wanted to kick off a discussion thread about recreating models and topographies in the new version of Visible Geology. If you haven't already, you can use the beta version here to test and respond! As per the FAQs (found here) work saved in the old version of the application will not be migrated. Our aim…
Re-downloading a project.
I have just stated using central. I have downloaded the most recent version of the project, made edits, and published again. In this all is a success. However, having made some incorrect edits since this publishing, I wish to delete the local edited files, and replace them from the most recent published file. How do we go…
User-defined Constitutive model in Geostudio SIGMA/W
Dear all, Is it possible to implement a user-defined constitutive model into Geostuido SIGMA/W? If yes, then what programming language is supported? Are there any examples for reference? I'd appreciate it for your help. Regards Chou.
How to control the initial saturation degree in transient analysis
Hello. I'm conducting a transient analysis to simulate the infiltration of runoff into a sump, but I'm encountering convergence issues. Despite trying all the suggestions from here, here and here , I continue to see red crosses in few steps (day 45-48). Upon reviewing my model, I noticed that the transition in saturation…
Geological Model
Hello, is it possible convert lithology into number? e.g i have a 30m granite from 0m to 30m and i would like to code GRANITE as "1" so that instead of granite it will "1" in new calculation column but the result will be 0-1m=1, 1-2m=1,………29-30=1m?
Installation Failed
Dear all, @BeckyBodger are you there? :-) I am unable to install the Geosoft Oasis Montaj 9.6 Setup 98 2019 on a PC with W11 22H2. The system gives me the following error message during the install process: "Failed to download: http://updates.geosoft.com/Prereq/VCRuntime/VC2005.exe ". I tried to reach updates.geosoft.com…
Can someone help me with the drawing of this section?
Its a drill, was a question from my Genesis test… I (So=180/15) = V (So=010/60) = succession of carbonaceous siltstones, sandstones, limestones, rhyolites, and ignimbrites. II=IV (S=175/70) = rock composed of kaolinite + quartz + pyrite with structural Au (gold). III (S=175/70) = rock composed of vuggy quartz +…
Latest User Manual for Leapfrog Works
Can someone please help me with the latest Leapfrog works User Manual. I were able to find the 2020 version (Version 3.1) on google but it seems quite outdated.
Problems with water flux around frozen body (seep/w and temp/w coupled analysis)
Hello, I am modeling the formation of a frozen body around a freezing pipe with flowing groundwater. When defining the materials I selected the "reduce flux in frozen soil". Looking at my results I still have water flowing through the frozen body. How can I make sure that the frozen body is impermeable? See also attached…
E994 Error Soil Nail Design
Hi, I'm working on a soil nail design. We used fully specified method, and I have encountered E994 error in a few of the slip surface's FOS. I am not entirely sure if I can change the slip surface. Anyone has an idea to fix this other than redrawing/tweaking the slip surface? I tried changing the drillhole dia, bond…
Import a 3D photogrammetry model into LF
Hello, I’m trying to import a 3D model from Agisoft Metashape (photoscan) to LF. I’ve tryed to import the dense cloud points and asign the colors to each point but it didn’t work. I’ve uploaded a obj model as a mesh, it is loaded but I cant import the texture. Apparently only ireg files (texture vulcan format) can be…
Exporting mesh texture
Hi all, I have two projects: 1) my main project with lots of data and several geological models and 2) a mini-project with just one mesh with a photo compilation of drone imagery aka "mesh texture. Can I export the mesh *with* the texture from project 2 and import into project 1?
Borehole collar elevation
Hi currently i trying to simple geological model based on cptu data and when layouting the long section i noticed that z elevation for borehole doesnt match the GM. any idea how to make it match?