How to Install Oasis Montaj for Training?

I downloaded Oasis Montaj 2024.2 (Geosoft 2024.2.0 Setup 26 2024.11.30.exe).
Unfortunately, the Geosoft viewer does not provide the required functions to complete the Oasis Montaj training courses.
Only the most fundamental operations are possible (create project, save project, etc.).
During the installation I can only install GeoSoft Viewer (see attachement) and no actual Oasis Montaj application.
From this I take that a Seequent ID based license is required. When selecting "Learn more" on the installation dialogue I am taken to a support site that covers the
topics "Creating/Managing Your Seequent ID" and "Using Your Seequent ID". The latter states: "You use your Seequent ID to access Seequent solutions including Central, Leapfrog, Geosoft, GeoStudio and MySeequent."
Since I am logged in with my Seequent ID and I am running "Seequent Connector 2024.1", I believe that I do not have access to an Oasis Montaj version that will
allow me to complete the online training (at least not without a licence).
- is this assumption correct or am I doing something wrong during the installation process? If I require a licensce, how/where can I request one?
Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi @ArneKreiensiek thanks for the info - this was helpful. Do you have a licensed version? You will need that to be able to go through the training material
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Hi Arne,
Where are you located? if you would like to talk to someone about acquiring a license, we need to know which region to connect you with and what you are using the license for ie. which industry you work in or if you are a student. I'll let you know who to speak to once I have that info. You can email me that info directly if you prefer, rather than posting it in the forum.
Becky Bodger, Seequent