Error while VOXI generating

Hello, Im running latest oasis montaj, and keep getting this error when generating VOXI model from polygon.

Not enough memory to create a graphics infrastructure ('OpenGL error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION glFramebufferTexture2D(fbo.targetO, color_attachment, m_target, m_texture, level) at M:\b\REL\ geosoft-cilgeosoft-cilgeosoft-base\core\source\\geoengine...:108 ' exception). Please try one of the following options: close other windows in the current application, close other running programs, increase a size of a system swap file. Other errors: Loading View failed because Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Im running it on windows 11, on parallels pro, latest MacBook Pro with 32GB ram and M3 pro chip. I run many other graphic and other modeling/engineering softwares, never had any issue with performance.

Everything in the Montaj works perfectly smooth and fast, just the voxi keeps showing this error and is not generated. I tried different polygon sizes and resolutions and the same error always pop up.