Geodist.dll error using python with the Geosoft 2024.2 installation

Dear community.
After upgrading to Geosoft 2024.2 I am getting this error when initiating a GX instance:
GXException: GX services are not available.
Unable to load C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Desktop Applications\bin\geodist.dll
The error comes when running my python code from my IDE (Spyder) or Matlab but not when running the code direct from the CMD or from within Geosoft.
All processes make use of the same python version.
The path to geodist.dll folder is in the Environmental Variables, and it is in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Geosoft.
Copying the dll to the location of the code, or copying the code to the location of the dll doesn't help.
Downgrading back to 2024.1 fixes the problem. Nice that works, but not so satisfying.
Are there others with similar experiences and even fixes?
I am running on a Windows machine.
Geosoft Desktop Application version 2024.2.0.26
Geosoft python package version 2024.2.1
Python version 3.9.12
All the best.
Hi Emil,
Try either upgrading your Python to version 3.11 or use the python environment that is distributed with Oasis montaj under C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Desktop Applications\python (which is version 3.11). Let us know if that solves the problem.
Becky Bodger, Seequent
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Hi Becky! And thanks for your suggestions.
I had to update my Spyder, this included an update of the Anaconda3 coming with a Python 3.12 version. Spyder now works with the 3.12 but not with the 3.9 version which is still not able to see the geodist.dll.
I also had to update my matlab for it to work with the python 3.12. After updating matlab I could again use my python 3.9 with geosoft. And the 3.12 is also working.
So, I got things to work after some work and un- and installing of programs. Still not sure what happend :)I also have a compiled matlab program that makes use of the Geosoft python package. This also didn't work after updating Geosoft to 2024.2. Also can't find the geodist.dll.
Here I want to re-compile the code and see if that doesn't do the trick.
Until then, I can either copy my compiled_matlab.exe into the bin folder of the Geosoft installation or copy the geodist.dll with it's dependencies (used DependencyWalker for this) into the folder with the compiled_matlab.exe.
Fingers crossed for smooth programming onwards.