How to use surface lithology (outcrops) to constrain surfaces

Hello, i'm new to leapfrog and I need some expert help.
I'm working on a model consisting of basement (TCS+TPG) and Quaternary deposits (ac+af+gi). I'm working only with a geological map (no borehole at the moment). Below you can see the model with basement in brown and gi (glacial deposits) in turquoise. gi is modeled as Erosion (in contact with both TCS and TPG) using polylines with polarity.
The model predicts gi (several m thick) on the mountain slope where i know i have mainly the basement (below the draped geolgical map).
How can I use the outcrop to assign volume to TCS? I would like that the gi is present only on the left part of the model and not along the slope.
Thank you
Hi Ivano,
What you are trying to do is mostly covered in one of our online training courses. The course, "Building a model from a map" is located here:
. You can access this if you have a Seequent ID.
There is also a course to help with working with polylines here:
If these two courses do not help and you have more, specific questions, then it is best to ask Seequent support at This is our online help system and your question(s) will be directed to the person who is best to help you and most likely in your region as well.
Regards, John Tyrrell1