Drape DTM 2.0 gx


Does anyone know if the Oasis Airborne QC tool- 'Calculate Draped Survey Altitude' uses the Canadian Geological Survey's Drape DTM v.2.0 gx or algorithm? The CGS's doc for Drape DTM v.2.0 refers to drape_dtm.gx but I cannot find this gx.

Just wondering if it is the same tool as found in the Airborne QC extension.


Jennifer Hare,

NV5 Geospatial


Best Answer

  • FrankKiss
    FrankKiss Posts: 1 Diamond Rank Badge
    Answer ✓
    URL https://doi.org/10.4095/295442

    Geological Survey of Canada of_7690, Drape DTM 2.0: software to calculate a smooth drape surface for an airborne geophysical survey, Authors: Dumont, R., Z. Bardossy (2014), select Download(s) of_7690.zip (750.4 KB)
