Behind the scenes of Visible Geology development
Customer Centric Design 🎯 & Agility 🤸 Ethea Seequent holds close to its heart and software development process are customer centric design and agility. Industry language, but important ideas that can be summarised as we asked, you answered, we listened. Here's a VERY early, and subject to change, sneak peak at how we are…
Visible Geology: tips & tricks - to sign in or not to sign in, that is the question
Ol' Shakespeare had a way with words ✍️ but Seequent has a way with software 👩💻 The team has been working really hard and landing new user interface elements which are beginning to illustrate some of the amazing features and functionality Visible Geology will offer. Let's take a quick look at the image below, bearing in…
Far Field Boundary Conditions in SEEP/W
I am performing a seepage analysis of an embankment dam and have a question about the downstream boundary condition. I am using a potential seepage face boundary condition since tailwater is unknown. Is it appropriate to extend the potential seepage face down the right side of the model as a far field boundary condition or…
Importing datamine (.dm) and surpac (dtm) files into leapfrog geo
Hi there, I was trying to import some files from mining software which are in "dm" and "dtm" formats. I got the error attached below. Does anyone have a similar experience? Any solution would be appreciated. Thanks
Map color reversed in plan views
When I add a map to a plan view the colors become reversed. I've fiddled with every control I can think of and read the documentation, but I just can't get the colors to come out correctly. How can I get the correct colors to display? Here's what the map looks like in the scene view: And this is what it looks like in the…
A connection with the geosoft id could not be established
I have a problem with Geosoft Oasis Montaj 8.4, when i try to sign in from the software or try using the seeker the following message appear: "A connection with the Geosoft id could not be established" Although all the requirements are achieved: my laptop is connected correctly to the internet (all the websites works on…
Rotating Data in map view
Hello! I wish to create a map, but the grid is at an oblique angle, which will take up needless space in report. Is there a way to rotate a grid in map view, while keeping all the other map elements at the original position? Basically a diagonally positioned rectangular grid needs to be rotated to horizontal position,…
Consistently project structural data within a distance?
I have structural data associated with borings that I am trying to display 'along plane' in many long sections. When I copy the layout across the sections, is there any way to automatically display only structural data whose along plane distance is within the distance limit (vs. closest distance)? At the moment, copied…
Creating 3D models from a map - no other data
Hi, I am new to Leapfrog Geo. I am wanting to create a 3D model from a cross section and a plane view map. I have georeferenced these images but not sure how to define lithologies from the maps (I have created a legend) and create 3D volumes purely from the maps. Any suggestions on my possible workflow? Thanks :)
What is G (equivalent) in QUAKE/W module?
On giving a constant Gmax as an input parameter, there is a range of values that could be observed for G (equivalent). What exactly is this G (equivalent) ?
USGS Potential Field GX Update of OM 2022?
Hi all, I was trying to use Jeff Philips' excellent GXs for curvature analysis recently and received an error. I wonder if there is an update for the most recent version of OM? I can't access the USGS FTP site where the updated codes used to be found (ftp://ftpext.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/musette/pub/gx/)
Visible Geology: tips & tricks - liquid hot magma
In this little video, I take us through how to build a magma chamber, vent and volcanic deposit! I demonstrate how to build this using tools in Visible Geology including: - Pluton and tilt events - Applying pre-built topography to emulate a volcanic landscape - Adding cross-sections to see the interior of the model and the…
A new Visible Geology is coming soon, what does this mean for existing users?
If you are a current user of Visible Geology and want to learn more about the update, check out these Frequently Asked Questions.
What is Visible Geology?
Visible Geology is a free web-based application built to explore and discover the earth's processes and revolutionise how geological concepts are taught to students. Built on modern gaming technology and presented with an intuitive user interface, Visible Geology makes teaching and learning about earth-related sciences…
Moved: Import a Colour Table (not gradient) into LF
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Moved: Best way to model lenses in sediments (leapfrog works)
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Vein -footwall / hangingwall segments
How do you 'ignore' a footwall segment that is auto generated without ignoring the lithology. I have already tried generating vertices for the footwall surface and also deleting the unwanted/aberrant nodes and added modified vertices back to footwall surface with the hope of controlling shape/orientation but it resulted in…
Moved: Imago tethered photography on android device?
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Moved: Linking Leapfrog and PowerBi
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Moved: How to export filtered planned holes
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Moved: Is it possible to create a new block model variable by dividing 2 existing variables?
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Moved: Leapfrog License swoping
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Moved: Projecting sulfur values from block model onto pit walls
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Moved: Change Decimal Length of Point Label in Long Section - SOLVED
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Moved: Surface Chronology re-ordering
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