GM-SYS 3D Structural Inversion/Upward Continue Question
When performing a 3D Structural Inversion of gravity data (original data was collected over a land area of varying topography), do I need to upward continue my Observed Gravity Grid to be the same elevation as the highest survey elevation? What would happen if I set up the Calculation Elevation of my 3D model to a constant…
Welcome to the Environment’s Longest Serving Hero Trees
Trees are both a critical and majestic part of our environment. But which ones have been doing their job for humanity and our planet the longest? What is the oldest living tree in the world? Pity Methuselah. Since 1957 this 4,600-year-old bristlecone pine has held the title of the world’s oldest living tree. However, its…
AMAZING EARTH: What Lies at the Bottom of this Very Deep Mine Could Change the Future of Farming
Would you be prepared to dig a 1600-metre-deep hole in search of fertiliser? That’s exactly what one of the world’s most audacious mining projects is doing in the UK. The modest name “Woodsmith Mine” may not instil a sense of edge-of-technology adventure, but it is set to become one of the more novel mining projects on the…
I have veins modeling
The vein volume have een created. but the volume did not include the vein litho in a whole drilling fence. how I can solve it?
Using known depth to basement data as a constraint in structural inversion?
Greetings, I have performed a structural inversion of a basin using residual complete Bouguer anomaly data to determine the depth to basement. Subsequently, I have obtained new data from a number of wells drilled in the area. Can I edit my original inversion model utilizing the new data I have obtained from the wells to…
Download the latest version of Leapfrog!
We are excited to share Leapfrog 2023.2, our latest release that continues to advance Leapfrog's modelling, interoperability and visualisation capabilities. Packed with solid incremental improvements and some exciting new features, this release is guaranteed to improve your geological modelling workflows. Key standouts and…
VOXI- gravity data inversion
I'm processing gravity data. i'd like to invert the grid by using voxi. Which grid must be used (free-air, bouguer, complete bouguer or anomaly?) Since, for example, Bouguer Anomaly takes into account for free-air and slab correction, what must I use during the creation of the voxi (In the SURFACE ELEVATION (constant or…
Will Python extensions slowly become deprecated?
Some issues that would consider pretty serieus are raised in this forum (example) and on gxpy Github. Some seem to have pretty easy solution (e.g. https://github.com/GeosoftInc/gxpy/issues/128). There doesn't seem to be any reaction from Geosoft on any of the serieus issues. Is it still a good idea to create Oasis…
Surfaces rejecting borehole data
I have this organic material layer I'd like to model as an intrusion. Its in black. The boreholes are are oriented at about the same elevation, with 1 in the back and 4 in front here, with decreasing size of the organic layer. When I model as an intrusion, I get the front leftmost and back boreholes to connect, but the two…
Please how do we generate digital elevation map for aeromagnetic data on
Please how do we generate digital elevation map for aeromagnetic data on oasis montaj software?
Is it possible to manually draw planes in a scene similar to 3D polylines?
I want to add several planes in my scene to help estimate the locations of faults and boundaries. The 'Show Plane' button is the kind of thing I want but ideally I would be able to add multiple planes and have them stay in the scene in the same way I can draw and save polylines. Is there anyway to achieve this in Leapfrog?…
Import Design Data / Meshes from OpenRoads Designer Into Leapfrog
Is there any easy process to get 3d models from OpenRoads Designer into Leapfrog?
Volume from surface meshes in Leapfrog Works
Hello Is it possible to create a volume which is defined by other intersecting meshes? I would like to know the volume of rock which is defined by a couple of surfaces that I can define by planes that I convert into meshes. How would I do that in Leapfrog Works? I manage to cut a mesh with another (Meshes - Mesh Operations…
Why do my draped GIS elements on the topography fall to the base of the published model?
How can I avoid this?
Geological Model - Linear Works
I would like to know if it is possible for the geological model to be created with a reference other than North/South. I have a 5 km highway in the northeast direction, cutting through the entire model. I would like to make volume calculations for landfill and cutting within Leapfrog, but the model covers regions far from…
Leapfrog on a Mac
Does anybody successfully run Leapfrog Geo or Edge on a Mac, using Parallels or other virtual machine?
Scene not displaying parts of surfaces
I'm working on the Oliver Training Project as part of Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals course. I've successfully created erosion and vein surfaces however the intrusion and deposit surfaces don't display on the scene, they get cut off part of the way through. Slicing isn't the problem. I've tried troubleshooting to the best of my…
How to access geosoft.gxpy library modules and register to seequent connector on AWS cloud?
I'm Anusha Kankari, and I currently work at Windfall Geotek Organization as a data scientist. A few geologists and our team collaborate closely to automate their work. One of these tasks involved using Python programming to transform GRD files into a CSV format. We are actually using the Geosoft package (geosoft.gxpy)…
Search for a specific borehole in the scene
How do I search a hole id in the scene without open the collar table?
Scale Bar Units in Plan View
In Leapfrog Geo, plan view layouts are using meters for units on the scale bar, while all other aspects of the project (contours, cross sections, long sections) are displaying (correctly) in feet. The project coordinate system is set to feet. However, the actual scale displayed by the bar would be the correct scale if it…
Boa tarde estou com meu modelo de blocos e preciso calcular TON X TEOR, estou usando o leapfrog Geo.
How does snapping for offset from surface work?
I was trying to model a fill layer by creating a deposit surface through offsetting from topography and adding contact points from BH. Some of my fill is only 1m thick and in some area it is up to 30m thick. I have 100% snapping turned on for BH data and did not set any min/max offset distance. However, I noted the output…
Intrusion modeling
Hello, When modeling my intrusion i got a big issue, let's take a section line where i modeled the intrusion, so the intrusion show two volumes because 2 holes do not show continuity of the intrusion but i want to force so that the 2 volumes will be connected.
Can drillhole traces be coloured by fields in the survey table, e.g. survey method?
I want to colour my traces by survey method to
see what has PLAN data v what is GYRO. However, the survey table has no functionality
in terms of being able to display the data within. Does anyone know a workaround within LF for this? Or do I need to pre-code it into the collar (or another 'displayable') table outside LF?
How to export 'Latest comments' from Central
Hi guys, I would like to export the comments made in central as a support for peer reviews. The comments can be seen in the 'overview' tab and in the 'events' tab but I could find a way to export o filter them. Thank you