Can't see my grid
I can't see grid lines or scale bar even though these features are ticked in settings and the colour schemes don't conflict with the background.
How to add a mesh to my cross-section?
Hi there. In older versions of Leapfrog Geo I was able to add meshes to the cross-sections I created fairly intuitively, now (6.0.3) I'm stumped. How can I add meshes to my cross-section layout? No models appear as options (despite having Geological Models in my project), nor do surfaces or lines (again, I have these in my…
Is there a Python API for leapfrog?
I was looking for a way to complete repetitive tasks in leapfrog such as cutting slices > making cross sections > saving scenes, or automating loading files into leapfrog. Is there an API or something that’s already available for batch processing?
feature request - extraction of polyline from filtered gis line
Hi, Is it possible to include such a feature in the next release? It would be very convenient in case of modelling from vectorized geological maps! Cheers
Voxi TDEM - 2 system configuration
How to invert low moment and high moment from skytem data using Oasis montaj VOXI TDEM ? Is it even possible as we have to use 2 different waveforms ?
Problemas con el 3D del Res2Dinv
Hola a todos Tengo un problema al representar las tomografías en la sección 3D. El caso es que salen en coordenadas geográficas decimales y no reconoce ese formato, por lo que se tiene que poner la coordenada del primer punto a mano. El problema es que no encuentro la manera de girarla, ya que sale en orientación N-S.…
Constraining geological model with uncertain geophysical data
I have geophysical data which i want to use to constrain model developed with drill hole data. In some areas, the quality of the geophysical data is poor at shallow depth. Is there a way to condition Leapfrog to "down-weight" data for this region while still using the entire data?
Section Layout - Strip View - X/Y-Axis - Initial Value doesn't save
If I change the Initial Value on a Strip View axis so that the grid lines plot on an even 100 and save, the value has reverted to its previous value when I re-open the Layout, or export it to .png. Also, if you enter an Initial Value that plots outside the Strip View, it reverts to the previous value without informing the…
Cannot see any drillhole data
* https://public.dap.seequent.com/gdp/ Hi I have a sequent ID and can get to the screen to make a selection box but all I am able to see is a topo folder. thanks iuma
How to import Datamine strings into Leapfrog including a colour column?
It doesnt look like you can import datamine strings into Leapfrog as Polylines with colour codes attached to a column to distinguish them. We use this regularly at work to visualize Geology Underground lithology and structural contacts and model. Only way i seem to get them in, is by points. Would be nice if there was an…
to show the grade number of block
Hi there, https://www.seequent.com/help-support/leapfrog-geo/ Thank you.
Seequent login browser dont open when start Leapfrog
Hello guys, I need some help here; I cant open a new tab/browser to login when open my leapfrog. Tried with Opera Browser and Chrome. Some tips?
Merged Table: Interval Selection Corrupt
I have an interval selection that is part of a merged table. The merged table utilizes Lithology, Samples and other static tables that have been imported from csv files. If I remove one of the imported csv static tables, my interval selection becomse corrupt. Where there was once continuous intervals, there is now random…
merging vector voxels
Hello all, Does anyone know if there is a function to merge vector voxels? Right now, I am converting the vector voxels to X, Y, and Z (direction) voxels, merging those separately and then converting the merged X, Y, and Z voxels into a vector voxel. A bit cumbersome, so was wondering what others are doing?
Slicer Disappears
I have a scene with a set a meshes and a defined topography…
I brought in collar, survey and lithology tables and fixed their errors. If I just view the meshes the slicer works fine
but as soon as I add the drill collars to the scene the slicer stops working. I can’t see any major coordinate problems in the collar
Graphics card choice
Has anyone noticed a significant difference in productivity between NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3 series and NVIDIA RTX™ A series? LeapFrog Geo is the software mostly in use. Thanks!
How do I change the colour of a dxf in Oasis Montaj.
Hi, I have created a new dxf layer using Map Tools>CAD tools>new group, however I can't seem to change the colour of the lines which I am drawing, oasis seems to assign it a random colour. I have the same issue when importing dxf's. Anyone got any ideas?
why the factor of safety of my slope is incresing with rainfall can anyone suggest me reason
The fos of safety before rainfall is less than 1 but after rainfall its increasing near to 1.5 please help me out...where i am making mistake
Trial License
Buenas tardes quisiera saber donde escribir para una licencia de prueba de Leapfrog Geo 2023 y todas sus funcionalidades. Soy un estudiante y estoy aprendiendo el objetivo. Puede ayudarme con el correo electrónico para solicitar una licencia de prueba. Gracias por su respuesta. saludos Gerson S.
Trial License
Good afternoon, I would like to know where to write for a trial license of Leapfrog Geo 2023 and all its features. I am a student and I am learning the objective. Can you help me with the email to request a trial license. Thanks for your reply.greetingsgerson s
New Leapfrog Updates - Share your thoughts!
SQ Community Announcement | Leapfrog 2023.1 Release The new version of Leapfrog is here! Try it and let us know which feature enhancement is your favourite in the comments below. Bring new control and clarity to your workflows with Leapfrog 2023.1, with a focus on improving communication between users and key stakeholders.…
Can anyone suggest a good reading material explaining the resulting models of MVI?
I'd like to know more about the resulting models (Amp, Eperp, Eproj) of MVI. What do they mean geologically? Thanks, O.D
Upcoming GeoStudio Events You Don't Want to Miss
Seequent has some upcoming events you might be interested in attending: Introducing SLOPE3D April's GeoStudio TechTalk highlights the newest product in the GeoStudio suite, SLOPE3D. SLOPE3D’s advanced solving methods, integrated 2D/3D approach, and its unique integration with Seequent products can provide a more efficient…
Moved: Upcoming GeoStudio Events You Don't Want to Miss
This discussion has been moved.
Join Us To Discuss: How QC Drives Innovation in Unexploded ordnance (UXO) Detection
Join us for this special discussion with industry experts on April 27th. Register here: https://events.seequent.com/innovatinguxodetection-27-apr-2023