Moved: Welcome to the Environment’s Longest Serving Hero Trees
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Moved: AMAZING EARTH: What Lies at the Bottom of this Very Deep Mine Could Change the Future of Far…
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Moved: I have veins modeling
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Using known depth to basement data as a constraint in structural inversion?
Greetings, I have performed a structural inversion of a basin using residual complete Bouguer anomaly data to determine the depth to basement. Subsequently, I have obtained new data from a number of wells drilled in the area. Can I edit my original inversion model utilizing the new data I have obtained from the wells to…
Moved: Download the latest version of Leapfrog!
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Moved: VOXI- gravity data inversion
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Moved: Will Python extensions slowly become deprecated?
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Moved: Surfaces rejecting borehole data
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Moved: Please how do we generate digital elevation map for aeromagnetic data on
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Moved: Is it possible to manually draw planes in a scene similar to 3D polylines?
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Moved: Import Design Data / Meshes from OpenRoads Designer Into Leapfrog
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Moved: Volume from surface meshes in Leapfrog Works
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Geological Model - Linear Works
I would like to know if it is possible for the geological model to be created with a reference other than North/South. I have a 5 km highway in the northeast direction, cutting through the entire model. I would like to make volume calculations for landfill and cutting within Leapfrog, but the model covers regions far from…
Moved: Leapfrog on a Mac
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Moved: Scene not displaying parts of surfaces
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Moved: How to access geosoft.gxpy library modules and register to seequent connector on AWS cloud?
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Moved: Search for a specific borehole in the scene
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Moved: Scale Bar Units in Plan View
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How does snapping for offset from surface work?
I was trying to model a fill layer by creating a deposit surface through offsetting from topography and adding contact points from BH. Some of my fill is only 1m thick and in some area it is up to 30m thick. I have 100% snapping turned on for BH data and did not set any min/max offset distance. However, I noted the output…
Intrusion modeling
Hello, When modeling my intrusion i got a big issue, let's take a section line where i modeled the intrusion, so the intrusion show two volumes because 2 holes do not show continuity of the intrusion but i want to force so that the 2 volumes will be connected.
Can drillhole traces be coloured by fields in the survey table, e.g. survey method?
I want to colour my traces by survey method to
see what has PLAN data v what is GYRO. However, the survey table has no functionality
in terms of being able to display the data within. Does anyone know a workaround within LF for this? Or do I need to pre-code it into the collar (or another 'displayable') table outside LF?
How to export 'Latest comments' from Central
Hi guys, I would like to export the comments made in central as a support for peer reviews. The comments can be seen in the 'overview' tab and in the 'events' tab but I could find a way to export o filter them. Thank you
"Drape on Topography" button not available?
Hi, I am going through the Leapfrog tutorials: "Creating and Exporting Lithological Volumes - Building a Model From a Map - Pt3" On Step 7. "Right-click on them to select Drape on Topography." I am unable to select "Drape on Topography" as this isn't an option in the drop-down menu for me. (Refer to screenshot below). Once…
Veins: Pinch Out Error
For some reason when I create a vein contact for a lithology one of the borehole intervals containing the lithology doesn't recognise it and 'pinches out' that interval. I have manually excluded that pinch, but the HW and FW don't recognise the midpoints, segments, and reference surface. Therefore, the vein doesn't compass…