Importing Oasis grids in to Leapfrog


I have created some 2D section grids from array data (MASW in this case) using the section tools in Oasis. When I import them in to Leapfrog, I find a pink bounding rectangle around the data. There is no data in the arrays in these regions. Is there some way that I can remove the pink bounding rectangle?

Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • SeanBuchanan
    SeanBuchanan Posts: 19 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hi @TimNixon1,

    My colleague @FarzanehFarahani was able to assist with this :)

    I'd suggest Enabling your Value Filter in your properties panel to remove the background color.

    Here are two examples- one with the Value Filter deselected (like yours), and one where the Value Filter is selected.

    Let us know how it goes!



  • Thank you Sean and Farzaneh. For some reason, that option never crossed my mind.