Extract intervals of drillholes which are inside a solid mesh

Hello everyone !
I have specific intervals to extract from drillhole data in Leapfrog Geo but my criteria is that i want only the intervals which are insid a solid extrude mesh.
How can I do that ? I tried to create a volume filter and extract the data with that filter but it extract all off the holes that touch the solid and then the intervals in and out the solid.
Thank you for your response ! Have a good day !
You will need to make an Intrusion from your solid mesh inside a geological model:
Create a new Lithology first to assign to the mesh interior volume.
Surface Chronology <right click> New intrusions > From Surface - select the mesh to use and use the lithology you just created.
Then create a new Evaluated column in one of your drillhole downhole interval tables - use the assay table if you want to select samples. This will flag the drillholes with the lithologies contained in the geological model.