Problem with lateral (X) displacement in QUAKE/W Dynamic analysis

Hello everyone,
I have had problems with the lateral displacement on my dynamic analysis models, they continue to grow from a certain point in the seismic record to unrealistic values such as tens or hundreds of meters. I have modifed the material properties and the seismic records, where the problem still exists.
I used the Geostudio guide for Quake/w analysis, using the same boundaries conditions and definitions project. I put X-Y displacement fixed line on the basis of the model, but it's still has lateral displacement there.
I would like to know where should I pay attention to fix this problem, or any idea of where its comes from.
Hi Gaspar, sorry to hear you're having problems. It's hard to know what is causing the problem without seeing your model. Can you email us at with the model attached so we can take a look? Thanks!