Moved: Custom topography extents
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Moved: Adding block models in cross sections for PDF export
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Moved: Profile data processing
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Moved: projecting block model onto pit wall
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Moved: Can a Rockworks model be imported into Leapfrog?
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Values in grid legend
Hi everybody, When you create a grid using minimum curvature option, the values results in legend are distinct to values in column used to generate the grid... my question is, what exactly represent these values? thanks.
Moved: Ruler in the Central Portal Viewer?
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Moved: Thickness Grid option not showing?
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Moved: Folded surface from a single polyline?
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Moved: Leapfrog Edge - Better than Vulcan for Resource Estimation?
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Moved: unable to import gbn
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Moved: Importing cross sections into LF geothermal
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Moved: Virtual Machine - LF Geo & Edge
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Moved: Borehole labels for Cross Section
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Moved: Up Holes vs Down holes (Dip)
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Moved: Export a Geologic Map as DXF
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Moved: Borehole water tables (points) in cross section layout
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The old my.leapfrog3d.com forum was so much better.
It had to be said. Cheers, Ramón.
creating finite faults
I'm trying to create a finite fault for my geological model, but no matter what I do Leapfrog extends the fault all the way out to my GM boundaries. I created my fault by drawing a polyline (to the correct length) but then when the GM creates it as a fault plane, it suddenly extends out. The only YouTube help there is, is…
Moved: Enhancements to Geo
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Display 2D GM-SYS profiles in 3D (Fence diagram)
Hi, I have a number of 2D GM-SYS gravity profiles, some of which cross eachother. I'd like to display them all in 3D so the spatial relationship between them can be seen, as a fence diagram, like this: Can Oasis do that? I can extract horizons to geostring and display that, but that just outlines every block in a single…
Moved: MVI Vectors - viewing
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Moved: Text for points not displaying / seems linked to camera view???
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Moved: Developing an open pit quarry for Leapfrog Geo
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Operations on large grids
Hi, I'm struggling to perform grid operations in Oasis Montaj (initial pre-process ahead of FFT using MAGMAP). My grid is about 100k x 80k cells. I get an error suggesting the largest allowable grid dimension is 65536 (2^16). Does anyone know if there's a way to change the maximum size in Oasis Montaj? Cheers