Collar locations plotting wrong
Is anyone else having problems loading their data into target? All my coordinate spatial references have been checked multiple times, but when I try to load collar data from a .csv, it plots them in different spots than what the attribute table says.
GX for marine magnetci survey
I am looking for GX for marine magnetic survey, proccessing and analysis as well as interpretation.
Moved: copy Calculations and Filters to text
This discussion has been moved.
Can a section layout be created from a cross section image?
I created a new cross section from image using a seismic image. I want to be able to create a section layout using that cross section and have the seismic image scaled appropriately so that drill holes can be projected onto the seismic image/section layout but the seismic image doesn't show up on the layout. Is there a way…
How To Plot Mag Data on map in order to see if i have any gaps in the data collected
Hello All, i need to plot my mag data acquired with G882 on the map in order to see if i have any gaps based on the time and fiducials.Could uou help me? Thanks
2D SEG-Y Elevation Issue
Using the new Geophysics module in Leapfrog Geo I've been trying to import some 2D SEG-Y files that I have downloaded from SARIG (line 86AK-7) The profiles plot in the correct XY location however they plot well below the topographic surface. I've played around with different import parameters but the best I can get is…
GXPY 9.10: cannot import name 'gxapi_cy' from partially initialized module 'geosoft.gxapi'
I have been trying to get up and running with GXPY 9.10 with Conda Python 3.8.10. It works fine if I install the geosoft package from pip. But in a separate environment, if I download GXPY from GITHUB, and add it to my PYTHONPATH, I get this error when trying to `import geosoft.gxpy as gxpy`: ImportError: cannot import…
Is it possible to create a cubic slice?
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to have 2 slices active at the same time, to cut a cube shape out of my ground model to show the geology in a specific area of the model. Thanks in advance
How to gat the sub-block index as metadata
Is there a way to get the sub-block index as metadata. When clicking on a sub-block the index appear in the info window but not as metadata.
Importing Sub-Block Model as Octree
We receive csv files from a consultant and they have recently started sending us unregularized block models. Using the update with the Octree import, can I import these unregularized block models into my Leapfrog EDGE? I think the only catch is the csv needs to have the block size coded along with the block centroid. I…
Leapfrog Error when importing MODFLOW Grid
I've been receiving the below error when trying to import an MF2K .nam file. This has worked previously. Any one had this issue?
Moved: Purchase a personal Target license for ArcGIS
This discussion has been moved.
GeoTIFF imports in 5.1 but not 6.0
This is a GeoTIFF in GDA2020 Zone 55 (EPSG: 7855). It renders perfectly in Leapfrog Geo 5.1 but appears with an error icon in 6.0 (no error is given though). These were imported by choosing "Import elevation grid..."
Straps on mag data
Hi, I am facing a strange phenomenon with the mag data i am acquiring. Data is acquired in parallel lines and the background noise is different following the acquisition direction. the difference is about 10nT and it is regular all over the site following North south or East-West directions. Sensors were tilted 45 degrees…
PhD thesis
I want to carry out a research work on the effect of noise on aeromagnetic data, ground magnetic data and electromagnetic data(TEM)...I need help on how to go about it. And can one consider these research work good for PhD thesis.
Exporting/Extracting Multiple Unclipped Meshes from a Geological Model
Does anyone else have this problem? I think this would be a great (and hopefully simple) change to Leapfrog Geo! Extracting or exporting multiple
unclipped surfaces from geological models. Currently to extract an unclipped
surface you have to do it individually as the "Extract clipped mesh"
tick box is only available there…
How to grid a .gdb channel in python.
I can write a python script to create a geosoft grid using the surfer API however can some generous person point to or give an example how to grid from a python script using the geosoft gxapi or gxpy? I don't understand why this basic step is not in the tutorial.
Cross Database Channel lookup
Hi all. The cross database channel lookup utility of database tools says my data source and destinations do not share the selected lines. I am quite sure there are "exact" lines on both databases. Has anyone seen this? Thanks, Zuki
Borehole Collar File Not Showing up
Hi I have imported topography and all was fine. I built a collar file and interval file in the same coordinate system as the topography and my collar file will not display any data in the scene. Thoughts?
ESRI Geodatabase Bugs
Good day, I am experiencing bug on Leapfrog Geo 6.0.5 regarding with the data imported from geodatabase of ArcGIS Pro 2.7.3 where the the 'Date' attribute shows [Empty] even when in the attribute table the data was imported. See the attached image below: I also cannot use queries on the database using the 'Date' attribute…
Bulk export younger surface vertices from GMs?
Is there a way to get the younger surface vertices from GM output volumes easily? Due to circumstances out of my control, I need to export the vertices of the younger surfaces of output volumes from my geological model. Right now I do this in two steps for each surface: extract younger surface mesh, then extract vertices.…
Last (9th) character from database won't post
I'm a basic user of Oasis montaj. I created a database from an ArcGIS shapefile: the shapefile contains LatLong ticks with their decimal degrees in one of the attribute fields. At the corners of the map are the full LatLong coordinates, eg 82°34'07", whereas between the corners, we just use minutes, eg. 30'. Using…
Reverse polarity of a surface
Creating a model in Geo, used a surface as a lateral extent, however my inside/outside seems to be the wrong way. How do I change polarity of the surface?
the calculated gravity and gravity error curves are missing
Hi all, I was working on a forward model via GM-SYS and suddenly the curves for the calculated gravity and gravity error disappeared, although in the display they are selected. Does anyone know what is the problem with this? how can I fix it? So far, I tried the following approaches, none of them worked: 1- save the model…
pdf report as attribute
Dear Leapfrog community,I am very happy being able to set volume attributes to my geological model in Leapfrog Works. However, I am confronted to the question concerning using the Leapfrog model as a comprehensive geological database. Is it possible to attach pdf reports (drilling core profiles, lab tests,…