Bouguer correction
Hi, I have to calculate the Bouguer Anomaly for a shipborne survey. The elevation channel must be equal to the bathymetry and must be positive? I.e., water depth 500 m bsl = + 500 in the elevation channel
Moved: Isostatic regional/residual calculation for residual-regional separation
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How to deal with Invalid columns of resource report using EDGE
Hi guys, Any idea to resolve the "Invalid" error when reporting a resource table for multi elements on EDGE? I recognize that this error is caused by the different number of blocks are assigned with grade interpolation.
Moved: Tiling VOXI magnetics inversions
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Get folder visibility status in a map view
An AGG group in a View can be visible or hidden, and its status may be controlled by HideMarkedGroups_MVIEW, for example. However, if the group is placed in a folder, then the group visibility status is not immediately relevant when the folder is set hidden, because the AGG would not be visible anyway. 1. Is there a…
Moved: statistics
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Moved: slicing
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Moved: Combined Estimators coding into the BM
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Moved: Struggling with polyline edits
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Moved: SOLVED: Display new channels automatically (python)
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Moved: copying vein boundary polyline
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Moved: Leapfrog Geo 6.0 discussion
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Moved: Leapfrog Geo Exports to Rocscience products
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Moved: Excessive Waiting - Mesh Selection
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Compile GX on 9.8.1 and 9.9
Hi, i have several GX (some are almost copy of an example). all compile and run nicely using compiler from Geosoft Desktop version 9.8 (using GX9.8 dev include folder), but then, i have errors by using Geosoft Desktop version 9.8.1 and now 9.9. Errors are as: error 102: unable to find the "GEO_DIRECTORY_USER_ETC" variable.…
Display PNG/TIFF in GM-SYS profile modelling
Hi all, I am trying to import an image (georefed) to the GM-SYS profile model, in the Depth section. But when I add it, nothing will be added. Nothing will change. Does any one ever have this issue? do you know what is the problem?
Moved: Gridding in Oasis Montaj for Bouguer anomaly contour maps
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Moved: Is it possible to edit text size next to drill holes.
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Moved: Leapfrog Support Team MIA
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Moved: How to visualize the uncertainty of approximated surface away from exact data points?
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Moved: Leapfrog works, Geological model volume exceed topography
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Moved: Adding textbox/ symbols for movies
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Python conda installation/environment options
Hi, I was wondering what people are doing when it comes to developing python tools for Oasis Montaj. 1) do you use the minconda installation in the Geosoft folder or 2) do you use another python installation on your machine and use pip to install the geosoft package I can see the benefits of both. I would assume that 1)…
Moved: py2exe
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Moved: How to use a DLL from another folder than <Geosoft>\bin
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