Naming data points
I have geothermal spring locations (X and Y) imported into my model as 2D points from a CSV file. Along with the locations of each spring, there is a number associated with it (Spring 1,2,3 etc...) How can I get those labels to display next to my points? All I have is 250 points with no label so I have no idea which spring…
Drill hole data directory paths
Is there any way to change the directory path for input files used for drillhole data? I'm using an external drive to swap between computers sometimes and I get different path assignments because of the local drives setup. If I want to refresh updated drillhole data from an ODBC link to an Access database I can only use…
Table of evaluated points on geologic volume
In leapfrog works, does anyone have a solution to create a table of the points I've evaluated on a geologic solid? See image below - I'd like atable of the point names and attributes that are labeled "EXCAV" (green dots)
List of channels in a database
Hello I'm looking for advice on how to get a list of the channel names in a database - using C++ in a standalone application. Thanks in anticipation!
Voxi voxels with .NET libraries
Hi, I'm using .NET libraries to automatize some of our process and I have trouble with voxels generated by the Voxi extension. I have a fonction that sample (horizontally and vertically) the voxel along lines. To do it, I'm using the CVOX.SampleVV function. It's working well and the function is well tested except when I'm…
Vein Network with each veins as a different lithology
Hello, I like the vein network function, unfortunately when using it, the whole network has to be named as the same unit (as the same output volume)? is there a way i can name two veins in the same network as two different lithologies (for the output volumes). In other words, am i missing something? Thank you, VNB
Depth using power spectrum
Sir, How can i get depth using power spectrum by applying 1D FFT? Thanks and regards
This GX can only be run from a script
Hi all, I am trying to run a script, but I received an message error "This GX can only be run from a script" how can I fix this a get my outputs.
how i can downlowd geochemistry tools for arcgis?
Opening GRD files in Arc Map 10.8
Hi all, I am having problems importing GRD files into my Arc Map 10.8. I have found this plugin but it doesn't seem to be compatible with this version. I tried it anyway but hasn't made any difference. Have any of you come across this and found a solution?…
activer leapfrog 5.1.1
S'il vous plaît aidez moi, comment activer leapfrog 5.1.1
Font size
Hi, How do i change the deualts font size, for example in striplogs for the different data columns?
Load to leapfrog Sections .grid from geosoft
Hi All, Some body knows how I could load sections from geosoft to Leapfrog as a referenced image. Thanks
Second problem with Extended Euler calculations in PDEPTH
Hello, First problem with Matlab libraries was resolved, but I have second problem :( The gx procedure calculates only for gravity data with more than 67 stations. For 67 stations program crushed. for les than 67 station I get information: Maybe somebady met this problem. Regards Slawomir
Problem with Extended Euler calculations in PDEPTH
Hello everybody, I have a problem with calculations of Extended Euler in PDEPTH. Always, when I try calculate I get the same error: and next the second information I tried everything and I don't know where is a problem? Regards Slawomir
Error creating VA channel using stand-alone application
I'm creating an external stand-alone application and have run into what I suspect may be a license issue. I'm using CreateSymbEx_DB to create a new channel as follows: hDB = Open_DB(pGeo,dbasePath,"SUPER",""); GEO_ERROR; long nchan = 1; long symbolType = DB_SYMB_CHAN ; long symbolOwner = DB_OWN_SHARED; long channelCategory…
Convert geosurface file to grid?
Hi, Put simply, how/can I do this? Reason is I want to wireframe a 3D model from a series of 2D GM-SYS profiles, then use this as a starting model for a 3D gravity inversion. However GM-SYS 3D only accepts grid files as input for layers, and so far as I can see wireframed surfaces can only be output from the 3D viewer as…
Bench Composite
Hi everyone What is the best workflow to calculate bench composites in Leapfrog ?
Python scripts in Target for ArcGIS Pro
Hello All, Wondering if anyone had any advice on how to properly import and run python scripts utilizing arcpy.geosoftarcpy in Target for ArcGIS Pro. Thanks, Joe
How to calculation by mathematical of voxel in oasis montaj? please i need this answer for my thesis:)
Calculating material type volumes (m3) in a tunnel
I created a geological model and plotted a tunnel alignment that cuts through multiple geological formations. The tunnel alignment was produced on Civil 3D as a closed mesh and was imported into Leapfrog Works via the "Designs" folder. Is there a way to: 1) make the tunnel alignment showing the geological formations that…
Populate "Without-Value" with an Average Grade
Hi can someone tell me how to populate blocks that have not estimated (without-value) with an average grade, and also applying a code so that it is obvious that the grades are just applied averages. Thanks
loss of information
Good evening, on two occasions it has happened to me that while working on a project in leapfrog the project has been lost, warning windows appear that indicate error / 0 closing the project, when you try to open the project again, the project no longer opens. Does anyone know how to solve this impasse.
Uncertainty Gravity Data
Hi everyone. I would like to ask if anybody can help me with quantifying uncertainity on gravity data I downloaded from the Bureau Gravimetrique International BGI. I know gravity data are affected by a series of uncertainty coming from aquisition (geographic posizion, elevation, drift correction) and processing…
Invalid raster dataset error when adding GRD grid in ArcMap 10.8
I just installed ArcGIS 10.8 and the last version of Target on my new computer and ArcGIS returns a "Raster data Objects Error - Invalid raster dataset. Failed to create raster layer" error when adding a grd file. What to do ? Thanks