Python scripts in Target for ArcGIS Pro
Hello All, Wondering if anyone had any advice on how to properly import and run python scripts utilizing arcpy.geosoftarcpy in Target for ArcGIS Pro. Thanks, Joe
How to calculation by mathematical of voxel in oasis montaj? please i need this answer for my thesis:)
Calculating material type volumes (m3) in a tunnel
I created a geological model and plotted a tunnel alignment that cuts through multiple geological formations. The tunnel alignment was produced on Civil 3D as a closed mesh and was imported into Leapfrog Works via the "Designs" folder. Is there a way to: 1) make the tunnel alignment showing the geological formations that…
Populate "Without-Value" with an Average Grade
Hi can someone tell me how to populate blocks that have not estimated (without-value) with an average grade, and also applying a code so that it is obvious that the grades are just applied averages. Thanks
loss of information
Good evening, on two occasions it has happened to me that while working on a project in leapfrog the project has been lost, warning windows appear that indicate error / 0 closing the project, when you try to open the project again, the project no longer opens. Does anyone know how to solve this impasse.
Uncertainty Gravity Data
Hi everyone. I would like to ask if anybody can help me with quantifying uncertainity on gravity data I downloaded from the Bureau Gravimetrique International BGI. I know gravity data are affected by a series of uncertainty coming from aquisition (geographic posizion, elevation, drift correction) and processing…
Invalid raster dataset error when adding GRD grid in ArcMap 10.8
I just installed ArcGIS 10.8 and the last version of Target on my new computer and ArcGIS returns a "Raster data Objects Error - Invalid raster dataset. Failed to create raster layer" error when adding a grd file. What to do ? Thanks
Changing line type in a new database
Hello! I am currently writing code for a Python extension, using Python 3.7 in PyCharm and Geosoft 9.8. So far I've created 2 new output databases, and I've added new channel data by duplicating and editing it from an input database with line type "L". My issue is after creating and adding channels to these output…
DLL load failed while importing gxapi_cy: The specified module could not be found.
Hello all, I am trying to set up python for Geosoft on my computer. From Geosoft I test the "hello world" and it works. How ever when I test for python, it returns the error as the question titled. I am using Python 3.8.1 and Geosoft 9.8. Can anybody help with this? Thanks in advance! Zihao
Geosoft - Target for ArcMAP 9.8
Hi All, I am wondering how many of you Target for ArcMap users have migrated to v9.8. I made the switch last week and have had some issues. Wondering if others have different or similar experiences? I am using ArcMap 10.7.1 and after upgrading to Geosoft 9.8 have now lost the ability to view voxels (rendering / memory…
Automatic interpolation on opening grids?
Hi, I have an issue with making a constraint grid for 3D gravity inversions. I have made a blank grid with all values 1 in Oasis, then edited an area of it to be 0 in Arc. I then want to re-import it into Oasis to use, but opening it appears to do some sort of smoothing/interpolation between cells in an attempt to increase…
Moved: ASCII data import to GDB not creating templates or importing as in past?
This discussion has been moved.
trouble creating new menu items?
Hello! I am currently working with Geosoft oasis montaj 9.8 and Python 3.7.3 extension. I am a student beginner in programming, and I am hoping to automate some gridding steps for a project, but first I’d like to add/customize a few menu items. Many of the manuals I’ve looked at mention a "GX menu"/"Load Menu" dropdown…
hello, Does anybody have experience to change linear colorscale to logscale? I'm trying to set the scale from linear to log from exemple provided by Oasis Montaj here : https://geosoftgxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GXD93/pages/108528042/2D+Views+and+Maps Trying to use set_logarithmic(min,max,interval) function but without…
Forum connection issue and exporting magnetic survey
1) When I go to the forum (after successfully signing in with my Seequent ID), the only thing I see is this message: geosoft.vanillacommunity.com refused to connect. Perhaps this is just a temporary issue related to current world issues? 2) I'm trying to export a magnetic survey from Geometrics into a GDB file. It's about…
TGDG Presents: Temporal and Geographical Trends in Resource Estimation
On Tuesday, February 13, 2018 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EST, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a presentation by Sean Horan a Principal Geologist/Geostatistician at RPA, on temporal and geographical trends in resource estimation. There is no registration fee and the event will be accessible online.…
Geosoft Viewer
I'm trying to re-install new Viewr version. Can't proceed. I'm asked to sign in to Seequent (it looks that I'm in already).?? Can't do anything.
Unable to Install Geosoft Viewer
I am finding it difficult to install the Geosoft viewer software. What could be the problem?
Base map with inside margin
i have prepared maps having base map with inside margin 1. can i change the maps having base map with inside margin 0 now?
Legend text
How to get a bigger font in the target for Arc Gis legend
Moved: large and negative values in magnetic susceptibility
This discussion has been moved.
Geosoft Plug-in For ArcMap. *geotmp.maptmp
I use the Geosoft plugin for Arcmap to read the archive *.map. When accessing a Packed map, the source file is unpacked and overwritten. If I close the directory with the archive from writing, the plugin works with an error. This is because a temporary file (*geotmp.maptmp) is created next to the map file. How do I change…
Documentation for the Geosoft gravity isostatic regional calculation method in marine areas
I am looking for documentation for the Geosoft gravity Isostatic Residual tool and for assistance with some questions that I have about the way that the calculations are performed. The only documentation that I can find is an online eLearning tutorial and a short description on the product webpage.…
How to detect Geosoft install in GX_NET
I have an application using GeoEngine.Core.GXNet and Geosoft.Desktop.GXNet. It works fine on a system with Oasis Montaj installed, but freezes on "_pGeo = new CGX_NET(....);" on a system without a Geosoft install. The application has non-Geosoft functionality that needs to work on machines that aren't running any…
ArcGIS publish service for Geosoft Grids
Hi, I am using ArcMap 10.7.1 and have installed the Geosoft plug-in for ArcGIS as well. I am able to view Geosoft Grids within ArcMap without any issues. But when I try to publish a service (Mapping or WMS) the services gets published but the Geosoft Grid layer is not published and not part of the legend. Any help on this…