Moved: Cannot install Geosoft Plug-in for ArcGIS 9.5
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Moved: Gravity residual-regional separation using "Order Polynomial method"
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Moved: How to enable VOXI plugin in Oasis Montaj Menu
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Moved: GX for plotting additional geological symbols in montage?
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Moved: RTP, RTE, Depth
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Moved: export Voxel to Vulcan
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Moved: How to export CSV file from Grid file
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Moved: Drift correction Module in 9.6 version
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Moved: Gravity drift correction - Closure
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Moved: Gravity and Terrain Corrections_Drift Correction
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Moved: Reasons Why Target Essential Running Slow??
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Ground Unite Vs Estimate depth
Hi Guys, I have a question while applying Montaj to do some upward continuation and would like to ask you about it. Do you know how to transfer the ground unite to estimate depth. In the upward continuation, I chose the ground unite around 0.1, but what is 0.1 ground unite means interms of continuation depth, how could I…
Moved: Problem install Oasis onto windows 10 machine, Geosoft connect says "Not logged in"
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Moved: Resampling a geophysical log to a fixed interval
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Moved: Error using copyline.gx in gs script in Oasis version 9.6
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Moved: VOXI Run inversion
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Moved: Gravity data processing
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Moved: Trial license
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Moved: Copy array channel between database
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exporting to kmz file
Hi, someone know if when I am exporting a Nad27 map to a kmz file, it gets the rigth position in google earth?, this is because google earth is in wgs84.. Thanks
Moved: Tiff Import
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Moved: Spectral analysis from profiles with geosoft
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Moved: Local Base station tying
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Moved: .Net Search and replace text in a map
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exporting a grid
I'm processing mag data in montaj and I'm looking to export the total field and analytic signal grid as the three following formats: .FLT (ArcView Binary Raster grid), .ASC, and floating point geotiff. Any ideas on how to do this? I don't see any of these options in the software.