How to grid a .gdb channel in python.

Posts: 4
Hello Justin,
I am not familiar with Python, but probably you may find a way to further translate a Geosoft script (gs file).
My suggestion is to play with Script->Record Script (for example, recording on a simple case, and then inspect the output gs file with a simple text editor. That would outline the logic of the process, what parameters you may want to set, like which database, channel, cellsize, output grid filename and type, gridding parameters, etc.
Then you can edit this gs according to your specific preferences needs. Of course you can create such script programmatically (maybe with an Excel VBA macro or Python, and why not with Surfer scripting).
The example below was created to exemplify the output I get from recording a script of "Grid and Image"->"Gridding-> "Direct Gridding..."
Best regards,
Dumitru content:/-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ LOG OPENED : Tue May 18 06:42:35 2021/-------------------------------------------------------------------------CURRENT CURRENT Database,"d:\test_gridding\mag_data.gdb"SETINI DIRECT_GRIDDING.DUMMY_ZEROS="1"SETINI DIRECT_GRIDDING.CELL_SIZE="200"SETINI DIRECT_GRIDDING.GRID="D:\\test\\test_dirgrd.grd(GRD)"SETINI DIRECT_GRIDDING.CHANNEL="TMI"SETINI DIRECT_GRIDDING.GRID_VALUE="2"SETINI DIRECT_GRIDDING.MASK_CHANNEL=""GX geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.GridUtils.DirectGridding;Run)/-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ LOG CLOSED : Tue May 18 06:43:48 2021/-------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Thanks, Ill get familiar with the geosoft scripting and see where it leads.0