How can I import and georeference PDF files
Self-Organizing Maps
Trying to get the gx for SOM to run. Followed instructions in Usage Notes & Installation Notes but got the following: "Unable to load "som_analysis.omn". The menu is either empty of you are not licensed to use this menu. I'm authorized and using OM 2022.1. Any advise would be very helpful. Thanks Bob Ellis
Leapfrog Geo 2021.2.5 performance
Has anyone else using the latest version of Geo (2021.2.5) noticed a downgrade in performance? On a newly created project I'm experiencing considerably longer process times for basic tasks such as new model setup, interval selections and vein model updates than I was getting for the same data in previous versions on the…
Slicer width increases and objects fuzzy become when displaying downhole graphs
In LF Geo, when adding downhole graphs to the scene when sliced, the slicer width increases and objects being displayed become fuzzy. Apparently this may be due to very large scene extents which occurs when displaying graphs, even though there are no objects causing the extents to increase.
old project review
Hello all. How can I review an old project (inputs and geometry and results)? Is it possible with a student license?
Operating System: Win 11 Pro
Leapfrog devs: Most PC's that I am shopping for are coming with the OS Win 11 Pro. Does LF Geo run on this OS? If not, what is the timing on this? Thanks
How to change the coordinates of a model
Hi, a customer would like our exported IFC data of the geological models to be in a different location. Originally the coordination point was at x=0 and y=0. These should now be moved with an offset of x=3488500 and y=5474000. This is not a problem for the designs or borehole data, but is it possible to move the geological…
Moved: How to create sections
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Is ”Screens table” needed for defining boundary conditions in TOUGH model?
hello I'm studying how to use Leapfrog as a preprocessor for TOUGH3. I don't know how to enter parameters such as steam production from the well, reinjection to the well, inflow and outflow of heat or hot water. According to Leapfrog's manual, we can define such parameters by adding a Generator. Also, the manual says: If…
GX Developer 2022.1
We are pleased to announce the release of GX Developer 2022.1. See the 2022.1 Release Notes for a summary of what's new. For more information about GX Developer, please refer to the online documentation. If you have questions, or need help, please post in this forum. We thank you for using GX Developer. The GX Developer…
How to reload appended drillholes?
Hi there, I have a drillholes database for which I have appended another set of drillholes. I want to updates all the drillholes. When I select the Reload Drillholes options, LF Geo prompts me to the links to the original database but not to the appended one. How do I make sure those last ones get updated too? Thanks for…
Airborne Gravity Topo to GeoTiff for Leapfrog
Hello all, I have a topo grid that someone wants the coordinates converted (I've imported into Target and done this), and then converted to TIFF format (for Leapfrog I believe to be imported as a mesh). Is there a way to do this? I'm not super familiar with dealing with grids, and I keep running into issues.
What's your best workflow for digitizing plan view geology from 2D section using drilling data?
I think the title is descriptive. I am trying to 1) Digitize section geology including lithology, faults, and alteration shells (not sure if I should use GeoStrings or figure out how to get PLY files to work). 2) Use my section geology (various dips) to quickly and effectively digitize plan-view geology. I have tried using…
Moved: While I wait for a project to upload to Central, can I open another project?
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Can I plot cross section image along a polyline in Leapfrog?
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to import a cross section image into Leapfrog and set the cross section to follow a non-straight polyline. For example, I have geophysical survey that was not carried out on a straight route. I want to plot the image along the route to best illustrate the actual situation. Is it…
Is it possible to export a scene as a 3D PDF?
I have a client who would like to view a leapfrog works model as a 3D pdf, is this possible?
Moved: Limiting size of deposit surface inside of one geological model
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How to predict how much ore to cut in a planned borehole
depth determination
Which method of depth determination is more accurate? And how is it done?
How display a results leyend in SIGMA/W?, click on ¨"leyend" in dialogue box does not work
click on ¨"leyend" in dialogue box does not work
How to import ARCMAP .LYR file into data view with gxapi or gxpy modules
Hi All, I am having trouble figuring out how to import a arcgis .lyr file into a geosoft .map. I have tried using a gxapi.GXDATALINKD.create_arc_lyr() method to create and arc_lyr object but I don't understand how I can display it in the data view of the .map. Please let me know if anyone is able to assist with this…
Moved: Additions to LF Geo
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How to run python extension from a .gs script using relative paths?
I have python extension like in: https://geosoftgxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GXD93/pages/105775181/Create+a+Menu+to+Run+Python+Extensions I can run this from the menu in Oasis. I would like to integrate the extension in a .gs script. If I record it's usage into a script, an absolute path is written. However I would like…
Moved: How do I load a dialog "resource" in Python?
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Moved: Is there an easy way to clip values of a database channel?
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