Modelling Folds

Posts: 3
I am trying to model a meter scale fold. My workflow has been:
- Imported an obj mesh to LeapfrogGeo.
- Extract vertices from mesh
- Estimated structural data from vertices
- Deleted structural dip data that was not on bedding surfaces
- Created form interpolants from the structural data
- Traced bedding contact with polyline
With this setup I then created a new mesh:
- Extract vertices from the form interpolant that best matched with the traced bed polyline
- Estimated structural data from these vertices
- Created new mesh from these structural data
- Added polyline to this mesh (snap to polyline, no snap to structural data)
- Deleted some of the structural data that was near the polyline causing a bumpy mesh
The result is shown in image below. The (green) mesh is good, but it is not a perfect representation of the fold. I could manually add structural data to modify the mesh to better fit the outcrop model. However, are there any other tools I could be using to improve this model?
I appreciate any input.

Best Answer
Did you try creating a new 'Deposit' using an 'offset surface' and then selecting the form interpolant as the reference plane?1
Thanks Richard, that worked really well.