Can you use Leapfrog viewer when you are offline?
Before the merge, the viewer did not require a license, which is great when your clients want to have a quick look at the model. Why is this now introduced and is there any way to open the viewer when you are in the field and do not have internet (yes, that still happens)
Moved: Creating 3D pdf from Leapfrog models
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Moved: How can I select some of the boreholes using a polygon?
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Moved: Tried to start working with Python in Oasis Montaj, but have some problems.
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Moved: How to create an absorbent boundary condition in QUAKE/W?
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Moved: Export map form leapfrog
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Moved: estimating into a small volume using a separate, larger domain defining samples to be used
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What type of normalization uses Oasis when does a ternary image is?
I´m trying to do a ternary image but the result is not too good, and I want to compare it with others.
How to import DGS AT1A field survey data into "Moving Platform Gravity"
Hi all, We purchased AT1A airborne gravity meter from Dynamics Gravity system Inc. last year. The first helicopter borne field work is finished this July and I am tring to process the data. Can I import the field data into Geosoft by using "Moving Platform Gravity" module? If no, what is the data format and information…
Moved: How can I separate my created volumes in parts?
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Moved: "Show text" when displaying hex color of borehole
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Moved: How to upsample my database in Oasis Montaj?
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Moved: Why can't I see my query filters?
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Moved: Re-project a grid option not available
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Moved: Installation error: Failed to download VC2012.exe
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Moved: Unable to install Geosoft Viewer Release 9.9.1 - January 2021
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Moved: Contour generation from output volume
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Moved: SEEP/W Modelling an embankment Dam
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Moved: geodist_montaj.dll missing in gxcore c++ redistribution package
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Moved: numeric models from drillholes information
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Moved: Leapfrog Geo: Convert Polyline / String File to Multiple Deviation Hole
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Moved: Unable to add Geosoft grids to Arc Map
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Solving SEEP/W models faster
I need to solve transient analysis(SEEP/W & TEMP/W Coupled) over three years. I am using my laptop with a CPU i7-1185G7 for solving. It takes too much to solve the model. As I know, I can not use HPC for solving as GeoStudio is windows supported software. Is it correct? Could you please suggest the options for running…
Leapfrog geo : extraction of zone less then and greater than certain value from Volume
can we filter blocks in leapfrog based on their depth to glacial till between 25 to 35 m? in the volume or in model. This would make calculation very limited to these blocks and would give us the 25-35 m depth to glacial till boundary required for my mapping purpose.
Return license to Aosis Montaj ?
I want to return my Oasis Montaj license to Seequent. Version 8.5. Is there an instruction? Can you helm me, please?