Regarding the geologic contacts on the surface

Hi everyone,

I want to ask if there is a faster way of generating a shape file of the surficial geologic contacts besides manually drawing polylines along the said contacts. The contacts are the edges of the meshes of respective lithologies. Thank you!


  • ValterOliveira
    Hi Raymond

    To create your contacts proceed as follows:

    The first step is to create a horizontal plane using the command Create a Mesh by Moving Plane at the Meshes Folder. This plane has to be on a reasonable elevation that's permits cuts the litologies.

    Now you could generate this lines (contacts) by an intersection of the mesh lithologies with this horizontal plane, using the command:  New GIS Line> From Intersecting Mesh, in the GIS, Data, Maps and Photo folder in Leapfrog.

    After create these GIS lines, (that represent your contacts), you could project them on topography.
