Import *.ifc BIM-format into Leapfrog Works?
Is it possible to import ifc data (BIM format) into Leapfrog Works? I know you can export into ifc but not sure about the import.
Clipping Geologic Model
How would I clip my geologic model visually, but retain all of the data outside of the clipped extent?
Rock surface model, detect crossing with certain lithology
Hi I have created a rock surface model using "New mesh from offset points". The offset points are gathered from borehole data, at the soil-rock interface. As it is only the boreholes that are drilled in rock that is included, some of the boreholes which is only drilled in soil is passing trough the rock surface model. Is…
Calculate length, area and volume of each stretch in a tunnel
Dear all, I want to know how to calculate the length, area and volume of each stretch in a combined tunnel model. In other words, how to separate each stretch by the lithology used within the model, and show (either through a table or a report) its length, area and volume. Many thanks!!
The latest version of Leapfrog 2024.1 is now available!
We're excited to introduce the latest version of Leapfrog with new functionality and enhancements to core tools and workflows. Key improvements include: 🐸 Ability to run multiple Leapfrog instances at the same time 🐸 Support for polyline attribution 🐸 Survey data enhancements 🐸 Improvements to interval selection Click here…
Surface Contact
anyone can help, why my surface contact are skewed? why its not created as flat surface?
Latest User Manual for Leapfrog Works
Can someone please help me with the latest Leapfrog works User Manual. I were able to find the 2020 version (Version 3.1) on google but it seems quite outdated.
Can I filter collars by data present in interval columns?
I have a lithology interval table that has columns with data present or absent sporadically. Can I filter the collars based on whether there is data present in the attached interval table or a specified column in the table? I couldn't figure out how in the calculations tab. This would be useful for e.g., only showing…
Multiple Sections
Hello all, new user here. Is there a way to have two different cross-sections on the same layout? The only manner that I can find is to export a section, capture an image of it, then import the section as an image. This however means that getting the legend accurate would be difficult if different units or structures are…
Leapfrog Works: How to limit the extent of a deposit from offset surface, using polylines
Hi there I want to create a thin superificial deposit and thought that this is best done by a "New deposit" or "New erosion"… "From offset surface", using the topography. This gives me a surface layer which extends along the complete topography. But I want it to be present only in some areas and I have polylines which give…
Complete comprehensive Guide
Hello is there any guide or video for complete guide modeling especially for Highway Infrastructure or other linear infrastructure. Combining both Bored Hole and CPT or CPTu data set.
Leapfrog generating "open" volumes for some units in the Geological model
Leapfrog calculates zero volumes for several units marked by an exclamation mark in the project tree and by "false" closed status in the properties. All these units display as expected in the 3D scene view. I.e. they are far from having zero volume in reality. Also, they are surrounded by units for which the volumes were…
Edit/replace the hatch option in LF Works?
I see that there are some pre-loaded ISO rock type hatchings but some appear to be missing and I am looking to use my own versions to line up with past documents. Is there a way to edit or replace the included hatch patterns? Also, is there a copy of the hatch patterns somewhere that I can download? Some of the given hatch…
What is the best way to get a list of all elements in a Leapfrog project?
Is there an easy way to get a list of every object/item in a project? Ideally it would be broken down in a format similar to the project tree but even a basic list would do. Does anyone have any solutions or tips? Thanks
LF Works - Structural Data Mislabelled in Section
I am trying to label structural data in a section, and adding labels to them based on both dip/dip direction and also a column value. After adding them to the section and checking "Show dip/dip direction', they correctly display that information. However, when I also show labels for a column value (in this case Structure…
How to avoid offset of collar labels?
Hi, as you can see in the screenshot below the labels of the collar points are very offset from the actual location. What are possible reasons and how can I avoid this? It's very confusing. Kind regards, Chris
Consistently project structural data within a distance?
I have structural data associated with borings that I am trying to display 'along plane' in many long sections. When I copy the layout across the sections, is there any way to automatically display only structural data whose along plane distance is within the distance limit (vs. closest distance)? At the moment, copied…
Geological Model - Linear Works
I would like to know if it is possible for the geological model to be created with a reference other than North/South. I have a 5 km highway in the northeast direction, cutting through the entire model. I would like to make volume calculations for landfill and cutting within Leapfrog, but the model covers regions far from…