Gravity Structural Inversion for Salt Body?
Dear community, I am a newbie in setting up 3D models for gravity inversion and forward modelling and need your advice on how to structurally inverted for the top of salt surface w/o using VALEM? (1) The input surfaces I use for structural Inversion are very conceptual as I do not have seismic data to further constrain…
Standalone python script to read gdb to numpy array
Hi, a simple processing task I'd like to share with my work colleagues requires reading a gdb to a numpy array. I need this simple script to standalone without the need for a licence key. I also understand that there is an external API with low-level functions for just this task. Can anyone give me some instructions on how…
Geosoft dolour pallet in Arcmap
Dear All I have imported the geosoft grid in arcmap 10.2, I want to change the colour of the grid using the geosoft colours but can't find them, anyone knows how I can go about it. regards Mwape
Datamine to geosoft voxel problems
Problem: Oasis crashes during import of 6GB Datamine file, when attempting to convert it to Geosoft voxel models. Tried this on OM 6.4, then on 8.4 with pretty much similar results. Is it due to RAM issue (I checked OM instances are only using about 160 Mb out of my 16GB RAM). Have anyone encountered similar issues before?…
Strip labels overlapping issue
Hi, I have imported and displayed some parameters into strip log. Now what i want is to display 2 parameters close to each other. I have done that with strip positioning. Problem is the labels which are displayed on to top of trace are overlapping. Is there any solution to this?
Hi guys Any one know of a way i can run the database defragment from either a script of a GX. I am in the process of making a archive GX and would like to defragment the gdb as the last step in order to save disk space. cheers
How to get started producing a 3D model
Hi all, I want to start producing a 3D model. I have my Collar, Survey, Lithology and Assay data (.csv's), and I have created sections. How do I begin to produce voxels and polygons in 3D? I'm using Target for ArcGIS. Thanks
Not able to create a GXVOXE
Hi I'm using GX Developer 8.4.1 I'm trying to read a voxel file using this code. GXContextPtr ctx = GXContext::create(uuid, CONTEXT_VERSION); //OK GXVOXPtr gx_voxPtr = GXVOX::create(ctx, fileName); //OK GXVVPtr h_LocXVV = GXVV::create_ext(ctx, GS_DOUBLE, 0); //OK GXVVPtr h_LocYVV = GXVV::create_ext(ctx, GS_DOUBLE, 0); //OK…
Geophysics... where art and science meet
Have you ever looked at one of your datasets or maps and thought "...that really looks amazing!". Here are some maps highlighted in Eos and in American Geophysical Union blogs: Ten Mesmerizing Geophysical Maps That Double as Works of Art What might be some of yours?
How to display Map Scale on section
Hello all, I want to display my Map Scale "1:2500" for example on the section, but I can't find any option for it. I'm using Target for ArcGIS. Thanks
Strip log Parameters
Currently total 32 parameters can be shown in striplog at once. Previously it was 16. I have a requirement of displaying 40 parameters as of now. Is it possible that you roll out some update or patch to increase that amount? Or is there any script to run or anything that i can do on my side?
Interval data in 3D view
Good day. I want to ask you. How can I show interval data in the 3d view as tube ? And when I import data as shape file, my data show as small point, I can't change size. How can I change size of point ? Thank you in advance.
Create section from Line
Good day. I want to ask you, can I with target arcgis, to create section from selected line. And this line must be draw before It. For example it will be shape file or graphick line. IN the 3D Analyst for creating section, first draw lani in the dem or tin, and then we can see section getting from this line. Tnank you very…
Does the quiet mode in oasis montaj really makes the process faster for large files ?
Recently I came across a statement: When a script is executed, the oms program displays progress information on screen. If you want, you can suppress this feature, and improve the performance of your computer, reducing the time it takes to process large files. To enable quiet mode, type /Q after the project name in the…
Modify grid
How can I modify the setting of a grid like the one displayed in the image?
no fill color
I want to color some grids but in some instances I want to put a color as invisible in order to highlight and show only the relevant colors I am interested in. Is there an option to put a color as invisible (i.e. no fill), for instance in the same way the the color options of excel or power point work for coloring cells…
Depth of Investigation (DOI) analysis for IP/Resistivity inversions
What approaches are people using to evaluate Depth of Investigation (DOI) for VOXI IP/Resistivity inversion? Does anyone have guidance to help set parameters when using VOXI? Specifically I am looking for guidance for setting Starting model /Reference model /Parameter Weighting for each of resistivity and IP and…
What is the formule for calculating the power spectrum of profile based data?
i am trying to calculate depth to basement by using 1D fft, on this Power spectrum equation is slope divided by 4pi. it is correct or not for calculating slope of the energy spectrum.
VOXI, Why the "predicted data" not equal to "Gz_FWD" when i use a same model??
Hi I'm trying to extract the inverted model from VOXI and then input it for FW calculation in "starting model". The problem is that the predicted data from VOXI (the Fw calculation data) is unequal to the Gz_FWD (Fw calculation). These two gravity data (predicted data and Gz_FWD) also showed the difference value average of…
VOXI inversion of Density model of bouguer gravity seems not to be reality.
Hi I'm confusing about density Voxel model which inverted from VOXI Inversion. The inverted density voxel model of my bouguer gravity data (removed linear trend already) consisted of 2 layers (basin and basement) doesn't seem to be geological idea. This inverted density model show low density contrast at the deepest depth…
Plotting drilling side tracks in 3D
trying to plot a few drilling side tracks in 3D but the resulting plot shows the drill holes un-merged and plots them several metres below each other. The RL is fine, so puzzled why this happens
Generate 3D coordinates
Good day. I want to ask you, can i generate 3d coordinates in a plan map with target arcgis ? For example. I have inteval date of au of collar, and i want to show these point on a map with x,y coordinates. i.e I can get coordinates sample of collar
AutoCAD .dxf importing in Oasis
Good day guys, I´m having problems with the reading of .dxf formats in Oasis Montaj. I´m importing Isoresistivity maps with different values of AB/2, and the problem I´m encountering is that the colors in the grid plotted in AutoCAD don´t seem to appear when imported to Oasis. These autocad maps are from 1998 (I don´t know…
Error running grc.exe
I'm following instructions in 'Compiling and debugging a GX' for GX Developer 9.2 and run into the following error: The code execution cannot proceed because libfftw3-3.dll was not found. Can anyone help?
Import data
Good day. I have proublem with import. I export from Gemcom database data of collar. Now i want import these data to target arcgis, but i can't. I import csv file, then open the wizard window and below was writing 3 fields have been loaded as hole ID, I select holeid, locationx, locationy as hole id, easting and northing,…