Diurnal correction
How I can change the format of the base station file to .bat, for do the diurnal correction.
TGDG Presents: Improving Exploration Target Modelling with the Use of Machine Learning
On Tuesday, April 17, 2018 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EDT, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a webinar on the potential of machine learning for exploration data; the limiting factors associated with machine learning; and the importance of geological expertise to generate credible results when using…
Export Tracklines as shp containing linegeometry
Hi. I wonder if it is possible to export tracklines as lines for each database line in Oasis as shp? When I export the tracklines using the map export I don't get any information such as line name. When I export database as shp I get one shp for each database line but I get it as point format. To clarify I wonder if I can…
Please help
Hi! I'm trying to open my Geosoft projects but I get a message saying "An error occured while communicating with Geosoft Connect in order to retrieve your GeosoftID. I logged into MyGeosoft account but still get the same message. What could be causing this?
create voxi from 3D GMsys results
I have inverted three layers at various depths (e.g. at 250, 500, and 750 meter). the results are three relief, isopach, or susceptibility layers. is it possible to create voxi from those layers?
Negative apparent magnetic susceptibility values
Hi, I have been trying to derive near surface apparent magnetic susceptibility from aeromagnetic survey data. In order to do this I have been applying high pass butterworth filters (experimenting with different wavelengths) to try and isolate the residual field and then performing an apparent susceptibility calculation…
TGDG Presents: Mini-symposium - New Technologies in Exploration
On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EDT, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a series of presentations from a range of industry participants who are using innovative technologies across the mineral exploration timeline, from reconnaissance to deposit modelling. Specific case studies…
Derivative Geosoft 9.3
Good morning, I have a problem deriving in the Z direction in Geosoft 9.3, because It change comparing with other versions. Can you help me?
GMSys 3D aeromagnetic data issue
I have an aeromagnetci data which was flown at 300 m height. The DEM data ranges from 373 to 2515 m. when I trying to use this data in GMSys 3D, I have to input the survey elevation at constant level above 2515, which is not real. I guess there is something missed, if some one help, will be highly appreciated.
3D Lithology Patterns
Hi! I set up my rock patterns and it looks cool on the sections and on the strip logs. Could you tell me the reason why is not plotting in my 3D model? Is there a hidden option somewhere? (I use the same .csv file for section/strip log/3D model). Cheers
Target: classified range not displaying data
Found an old copy of Target in company's archived cabin. Play around with soil sample data to see how it works. One thing got me is the classified range cannot display my data. The data can be displayed as point and proportionally sized, but cannot be displayed using the classified range. Then, I built another project…
Python extension module
I have noticed that if I run an extension requesting a non geosoft module, the module must be in the python executable directory. If it is located in the user/python directory, it is not located by OM. Is there an alternative?
Rose Diagram in Geosoft
Is there any possibility to generate rose diagram plot from shape file in Geosoft ?
Which is the correct workflow for airborne magnetic data
I need to process airborne magnetic data and make all the actions required (qa/qc, corrections, leveling, filtering, etc).
Radiometric software
I am looking for radiometric software within geosoft to process 1024 channel ground radiometric data. I know that OM has 256 channel software http://www.geosoft.com/media/uploads/resources/brochures/OM_CRP_fs_2009_10_web.pdf I tried it, it was for airborne only and also for 256 channel, varied from what I have. is there…
Select assay data
Good day. I want selected Assay data (interval data) of drill hole which intersection solid model of ore with Can I do it with Target ArcGIs
Why does the installation Failed
Hi, I'm trying to install the 9.3 plugin (Geosoft 9.3 Setup 126 2017.11.22.exe), on 10.5 ArcGIS. On the download page it says it supports up to 10.5, but I have : Installation Failed. https://my.geosoft.com/downloads/plug-in-for-arcgis/update/1636 I deleted the old version, then restarted the computer. Then I was able to…
How create data base to array channel to buil Airborne EM section/profile based on flight line.
I have inverted all frequencies to resistivity inversion. I wanna build Helicopter EM section/profile of each flight line. The problem is how can i convert Resistivity and depth to array channel?
Depth estimation using PETER HALF SLOPE METHOD in oasis montaj
Hello, I would like to calculate the depth to basement using PETER HALF SLOPE METHOD in oasis montaj. i would like to know if i can and how ? Best regards
Import/Export GPS data workflow
Members of the forum. I am interested to hear from people about their workflow for exporting vector and point data from OM/Target into a format suitable to load into a Garmin GPS for use in the field. There seem to be many possible ways, but most seem cumbersome and require conversion to geographic coordinates and the use…
hello please I am a Geosoft beginner I will like to know first which type of elevation data is required for RTP processing, I am a little bit confused whether it is the flight elevation or terrain elevation relative to sea level Besides, when we want to generate Werner solutions in pdepth operator I wish to know what do…
Shaded relief question
I want to enhance some directional trending on a potential field map. I am using Grid Shaded Relief utility. I have displayed the grid_s.grd only and I see that surface reflectance coefficients vary from 0.8 to 0.9. According with HELP it means that the image surface almost completely faces the light source. Nevertheless…
GXError: Attempting to load too many resources.
Hi, I’m trying to load 2048 channels of radiometric spectra data (2 arrays x 1024 channels each) into a dataframe through a Jupyter notebook. I can load a database which has 1024 channels of either downward or upward looking spectra no problem, but if I try to load a database which contains both I get the error “GXError:…
Geosoft Customer Success Webinar - Get Better UXO Results - Tips, Tools & Workflows
Get Better UXO Results - Tips, Tools and Workflows to Enhance Your Projects Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST Join us for Geosoft’s Customer Success webinar series. In this complimentary webinar you will learn tips about the Geosoft Oasis montaj extensions: UXO Land, UXO Marine and UX-Analyze.…
TGDG Presents: The Saramacca Gold Deposit – A New Orogenic Gold Discovery in the Guiana Shield
On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EST, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a presentation by Craig MacDougall, Senior Vice President - Exploration, IAMGOLD, on the Saramacca gold deposit located in the Republic of Suriname, South America, 100 kilometres southwest of the capital…