Bug in gxpy.gdb
I noticed that geosoft.gxpy.gdb.read_line() does not work properly on 9.3. It makes the application crash. I had to revert to 9.2 and everything works properly. I am using Python 3.5.2.
load a grid file
Hello, I have trouble figuring out a better way to import my interested bathymetry grid file to Geosoft. I have three variables, latitude, longitude and bathymetry. For example, I now have latitude with a size 1322 by 1843, longitude with size 1322 by 1843, bathymetry with the same size 1322 by 1843. These variables are…
CET Grid analysis
Hello everyone Please I want to use CET grid analysis to extract edges. However on "Phase congruency " step I Will like to know whether it is better to choose specific orientation angles before overlaying each orientations on a single map than choosing "all angles". The results from " All angles " seem to be fewer than the…
Overview of Geotechnical Core Logging
I saw a great post this morning - it's a really thorough overview on geotechnical logging of drill core and I thought that some other (rock nerds) might like to read it. If you have ever wondered about what all those geotech measurements and acronyms mean (RQD, IRS, or TCR), or how to correctly take geotechnical…
ArcGIS 10.6
This discussion was created from comments split from: Why does the installation Failed.
.gdb and Oasis Montaj Viewer 9.3
The Oasis Montaj Viewer 9.3 is supposed to allow me to "View Geosoft Database Files (.gdb), Geosoft XYZ files, Geosoft Binary Files, ASEG GDF and other data files" I have an Oasis Montaj project database in the .gdb format. There is no option to open this type of file in my viewer, only .gpf and .gws. Please help!
Seccion en Target
Tengo un MXD y dentro un proyecto en Target, e generado una seccion con su vista en planta. Tengo que enviarlo a otro usuario que no tiene target. Cuando lo abre no se genera RefGrids ni la linea de seccion. Como soluciono...???
power spectrum
Exist in Geosoft Oasis Montaj an automatic way to calculate the depth using the power spectrum in one and two dimensions?
Magnetotelluric data
Dear all,,, Is there any GXs or any options for Magnetotelluric data (e.g. edi files) analysis within Geosoft environment? regards Essam
User input in python scripts
What are the options for user input in a python script within Oasis? For example if I want the user to select a file from an open file dialog. I have an exising py script that uses Tkinter to call an openfile dialog to allow the user to select the required file. The file is read in, parsed and a new file is created. I am…
GM-SYS Profile
How set exact dip of the block(stratum) in GM-SYS Profile?
Why geosoft.gxpy not working?
Posted this question this morning, but not seeing it listed. Trying it again. New to geosoft. Got a Developer ID, download python module and installed (pip install geosoft-9.3.1-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl), open a command line and run some code, but get an error. See attached. Should I get some kind of Developer ID related…
Why geosoft.gxpy not working
Very new to Geosoft. Installed gxpy module (pip install geosoft-9.3.1-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl) and obtained a Geosoft ID. On command line, test the code below, but got a dll error as shown in attached. I guess I need some kind of key file that references my Geosoft ID? Can somebody help? set PATH=C:\Program…
Modify Geosoft.GX.Database.InterpolateChannel
Hi All, I would like to modify Geosoft.GX.Database.InterpolateChannel, to pop up a window on completion that displays the number of dummies that have been interpolated. I could get this information from comparing the statistics of the old and new channels, but that's not very elegant. Is there a way to modify this GX? In…
Values in MicroGravity
I realized that values in MicroGravity are between +1/2 and - 1/2. I guess these values are obtained after removing the mean value from Complete Bouguer values, am I right? for example, if the Complete Bouguer as 15-20 mGal with mean of 17.0, when removing 17 from all data, we get the MicroGravity values.
IP Quality Control Learning Path PDF Incomplete
Hi, The IP Quality Control PDF (pg 8 to end) have a number incomplete entries including notes asking other Geosoft employees to add content. Any plans to finalize this doc? Thanks
Fetching related data from collar database from Geosoft Target
By selecting any particular well from the collar database, is it possible to fetch its all related laboratory database at once?
Downhole data not plotting
I am running a project (in Target 9.3) that is linked to a SQL based master database via ODBC. The master database consists of historic downhole data and recent downhole data (i.e. assays, geology). My issue is that the recent downhole data plots but none of the historic data plots i.e. when plotting my project downhole…
Diurnal correction
How I can change the format of the base station file to .bat, for do the diurnal correction.
TGDG Presents: Improving Exploration Target Modelling with the Use of Machine Learning
On Tuesday, April 17, 2018 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EDT, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a webinar on the potential of machine learning for exploration data; the limiting factors associated with machine learning; and the importance of geological expertise to generate credible results when using…
Export Tracklines as shp containing linegeometry
Hi. I wonder if it is possible to export tracklines as lines for each database line in Oasis as shp? When I export the tracklines using the map export I don't get any information such as line name. When I export database as shp I get one shp for each database line but I get it as point format. To clarify I wonder if I can…
Please help
Hi! I'm trying to open my Geosoft projects but I get a message saying "An error occured while communicating with Geosoft Connect in order to retrieve your GeosoftID. I logged into MyGeosoft account but still get the same message. What could be causing this?
create voxi from 3D GMsys results
I have inverted three layers at various depths (e.g. at 250, 500, and 750 meter). the results are three relief, isopach, or susceptibility layers. is it possible to create voxi from those layers?
Negative apparent magnetic susceptibility values
Hi, I have been trying to derive near surface apparent magnetic susceptibility from aeromagnetic survey data. In order to do this I have been applying high pass butterworth filters (experimenting with different wavelengths) to try and isolate the residual field and then performing an apparent susceptibility calculation…
TGDG Presents: Mini-symposium - New Technologies in Exploration
On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EDT, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a series of presentations from a range of industry participants who are using innovative technologies across the mineral exploration timeline, from reconnaissance to deposit modelling. Specific case studies…