Strip Labels
While projecting LAS files into strip logs or sections, the strip labels are as per LAS files. Is there any option that while importing las file, annotations for strip labels can be allotted as desired?
Geosoft Database, Target Drillhole, Target Surface and Target Wireframing toolbars are missing
I am trying to install Target for ArcGIS on my computer and the installation runs without a problem but the Geosoft Database, Target Drillhole, Target Surface and Target Wireframing toolbars do not appear in the toolbar menu. Only the Geosoft Plugin appears. Any ideas why this would be happening? I am using ArcGIS 10.4.1
Tutorial data and tutorial
Good day Do you now somebody, where can download tutorial data and tutorial ? Thank
Scale changes in 3D view
Scale can be allotted to Contact surfaces in 3d view. But this is not allowed for drillholes. Is there any way to allot same scale as contact surface to drillholes too? Currently one option I can find is change the depths in collar database but it is very inconvenient and time consuming. Kindly help regarding this.
The G-GG method: Improving inversion of Gravity Gradiometer Data
G-GG (gravity referenced gravity gradiometer) is a method of combining regional gravity with gravity gradiometer data to model discreet targets within a regional setting. While gravity gradiometer surveys yield smaller spatial wavelength anomalies and gravimeter surveys yield longer spatial wavelength anomalies, G-GG…
where could I find the shortcut key? thanks for reply!
GX Developer, Anaconda / Python 3.6, Geosoft 8.5.1
I'd appreciate any guidance how to run the GX API with or without Geosoft installed. I've tried running GX Dev 8.5.1 though the resources and example code with the install seem limited. Having installed GX Dev 9.2 there are dll issues which I haven't been able to resolve, perhaps because my Geosoft version isn't…
Automation of activities
Dear colleagues, I have been working in ANP - Brazil National Agency for Petroleum where we have some licenses of Geosoft Oasis Montaj. It is my first time using the GX Developer API. Firstly, I need to automate some steps which are: 1. Read a gdb file 2. Delete channel(s) 3. Generate the X and Y channels by Latitude,…
Did I just delete a channel? Probably not.
I recently sat in on a mixed level training course. The first day was all about the basics, and I discovered that even if you grid, filter, map, model, or pick targets like a pro, there is still so much to learn! One thing a few experienced users shared is how easy it is to delete channels from a database. When we asked…
Import GIFs into ROCKCODES
I have gif images of some standards. Is there a possibilty that i can import them into rockcodes instead of creating them one by one?
GX Developer - Run GX
I have updated to Oasis 9.2 and want to run GX, but I do not know which file use in "GX File " and "Phyton script (.py)". Someone can help me? I did this step by step -> https://geosoftgxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GXDEV92/Installing+GX+Developer
Python install validation (v.9.2)
Hello. I have followed the steps in installing the latest python package. It appears to have installed correctly (e.g. no errors during installation). When I run the validation, I receive this error: >>>importgeosoft.gxpy.gx as gx Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:geosoft\_init__.py", line 16,…
Geosoft releases Geosoft GX Developer 9.2, for Python, C#, F# and Visual Basic
Geosoft GX Developer supports the development and integration of geoscience software that works with Geosoft file formats and the Geosoft desktop environments. The development environment includes support for 64-bit Python (3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), CLI languages (C#, F# and VB) and Geosoft's GXC language. The release of GX…
Skarn Related Remanent Magnetization, Railroad Property, Nevada- James Wright, 2015
Geosoft released MVI as part of its VOXI Earth Modelling service in 2012. The benefit of MVI is that it can recover the total magnetization vector from magnetic field observations - accounting for all contributions, including induced magnetization, demagnetization, and remanent magnetization. James Wright has a great…
Using C++ Visual Studio 2013 with GXAPI
Hi , I'm using GX API 8.4 C++ 64-bit with Visual Studio 2013 stand alone. I want to upgrade it to use the 9.2 version. On the 9.2 documantation says that the 64-bit header is "cpp\include\gxcpp_dbus.h" this is not present in the installation. Is this the right header? where can I find/get it. Building the example provided…
Technical Presentation: Combining geological insight and geophysical modelling
More and more, geoscientists are recognizing the importance of combining geological insight into non-unique geophysical inversion modelling. This particular presentation explains HOW these insights can be incorporated, what outcomes can be reasonably expected, and what considerations need to be made before interpreting the…
Geosoft 9.2 is now live!
The latest and greatest Geosoft 9.2 is now available. If you have not been prompted to update yet from within the application you can start the update manually by right clicking on Geosoft Connect in the system access tray and clicking Check for Updates. You can also download the update from our Downloads page. For an…
SOM (Self-Orgainzing Maps) Python extension for Geosoft Desktop
SOM analysis extension that we used to support the work that Rob Ellis and I did for Quantitative Magnetization Vector Inversion is included in the Python examples for GX Developer 9.2. You will find it on GITHUB at: Geosoft SOM analysis on GITHUB Note also that you will need to install GX Developer 9.2, and update your…
We are happy to announce the release of GX Developer 9.2, which supports the recently released Geosoft Desktop 9.2. This release continues to advance GX Developer, and especially Python support for both research geoscientists and organizations that extend Geosoft Desktop to better suit their needs.* Full support for 64-bit…
Installing Geosoft python package for Python 3.6
Hi, I'm trying to get python working with Oasis Montaj, following the instructions from here... https://geosoftgxdev.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GXDEV91/Installing+GX+Developer I've installed the latest Anaconda package as stated in the instructions, but then when i came to install the Geosoft python package I get this:…
iRun_SYS always fails GX Developer 9.1
I am attempting the run some commands through the command prompt using the iRun_SYS command with GX Developer 9.1 and the function always fails. The parameters that I am passing are the same that I used for a GX with 8.5 that worked. The API is the same for the two Developer versions. How can I run commands through the…
TGDG: De-Risking a Gold Paleo-Placer Using Tools and Methods from the Petroleum Industry
On Tuesday, May 9, 2017 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Toronto EDT, the Toronto Geological Discussion Group will be hosting a presentation by R. Mohan Srivastava, VP of TriStar Gold Inc., on de-risking gold exploration using tools from the petroleum industry. Click here to find out more or to register to watch online .
view designer issue with GX Developer 9.1
I have written some DLLs in c#; if they are built using x86 and dotnettools.dll, geoengine.core.gxnet.dll, geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll, geosoft.desktop.gxnet.dll, geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll in C:\Program Files\Geosoft\GX Developer\gxnet\references\x86, then I can view the designer. However, I cannot run the compiled DLL in…
Export contours to MapInfo
This discussion was created from comments split from: Welcome to the Oasis montaj Essentials Course Forum.
Reduce to Pole or Equator
This discussion was created from comments split from: Welcome to the Oasis montaj Essentials Course Forum.