Import DXF error

ScottWillers Posts: 1
edited January 6 in Archived Discussions
I'm currently converting a project from one grid to another (NZMG - NZTM) and have an 'Import failed' msg. The same process I'm using works for polylines but not meshes. 

Export - Convert in and save in QGIS - Re-import in LF

Does anyone know what's going on here? 



  • Hey, 

    Not sure about the type of data you're trying to import, but I've encountered this same problem recently and it was failing because I was trying to import it as a mesh and not as a polyline. 

    I'd suggest trying importing as a polyline if it's not a solid object. 
  • SeanBuchanan
    SeanBuchanan Posts: 19 mod
    Hi @ScottWillersDXF files cover a multitude of formats including polylines, points and DXF blocks. Do you know the source of the file, and for certain that it is a triangulation?

    I agree with @OyundalaiEnkhAmgalan . I would trying importing as a polyline. I suspect you're working with a string file.