Leapfrog training data in Spanish
I have started Leapfrog Fundamentals course in Spanish, but don't seem to be able to download Oliver project data for Spanish version - anybody had same problem? Should I just proceed with the files from English course? Thank you
How to make possible thin facies interdigitation in Leapfrog Geo?
Hi. I want to make a thin facies interdigitation (or interdigitation in general) the same way the brown unit is changing ritmically in the pictures. What is the workflow to do that?. The example shown is in a Salar (sedimentary unconsolidated basin)
Leapfrog Works: How to limit the extent of a deposit from offset surface, using polylines
Hi there I want to create a thin superificial deposit and thought that this is best done by a "New deposit" or "New erosion"… "From offset surface", using the topography. This gives me a surface layer which extends along the complete topography. But I want it to be present only in some areas and I have polylines which give…
There is another layer inside the lithology layer
How to build a layer (in the figure layer number 9) inside another layer (in the figure layer number 6). In any case, lithological number 9 is used in other wells. I want to split layer number 6.
Engineer, greetings. Is it possible to move the entire project to other coordinates? (ХС=100ХС; YC=100YC)
Complete comprehensive Guide
Hello is there any guide or video for complete guide modeling especially for Highway Infrastructure or other linear infrastructure. Combining both Bored Hole and CPT or CPTu data set.
Leapfrog: Getting Started Part 2
is anyone having trouble accessing to Leapfrog: Getting Started Part 2?
Extract intervals of drillholes which are inside a solid mesh
Hello everyone ! I have specific intervals to extract from drillhole data in Leapfrog Geo but my criteria is that i want only the intervals which are insid a solid extrude mesh. How can I do that ? I tried to create a volume filter and extract the data with that filter but it extract all off the holes that touch the solid…
Leapfrog generating "open" volumes for some units in the Geological model
Leapfrog calculates zero volumes for several units marked by an exclamation mark in the project tree and by "false" closed status in the properties. All these units display as expected in the 3D scene view. I.e. they are far from having zero volume in reality. Also, they are surrounded by units for which the volumes were…
Edit/replace the hatch option in LF Works?
I see that there are some pre-loaded ISO rock type hatchings but some appear to be missing and I am looking to use my own versions to line up with past documents. Is there a way to edit or replace the included hatch patterns? Also, is there a copy of the hatch patterns somewhere that I can download? Some of the given hatch…
Cross Section Y-Axis Initial Value box missing
I'm trying to adjust the initial value for the y axis on a cross section I'm working on, but the Initial Value Field is missing. Which is weird because it shows up in some older cross sections I made in the same project, and I don't know what I've done differently from one section to the next. Here's a pic from an older…
Can a Voxel 3D model be intercepted with drillings?
I'm trying to get a new column in my drilling database. This column is for data from voxel 3d model for example: What I want is Hole ID / from / to / lithology / magnetic susceptibility / NEW DATA FROM VOXEL MODEL Currently I have everything except the DATA FROM VOXEL MODEL. I really appreciate if someone can help me 😀
What is best tutorial for creating a factual data only cross section
I need to simply project all available subsurface information onto a nominated cross section illustrating typical drill hole geology, SPT data some CPT outputs in addition to the surface scanned topography. I ONLY want our factual data as captured in OpenGround and DONT want to show interpreted data (ie the modelled…
error: "invalid point index in tri"
When importing a mesh I received the following error: import failed: The VULCAN file Geo_401_DG3.00t could not be imported as a mesh: invalid point index in tri I've imported other meshes for the same project and they were all fine. I've tried removing intersecting volumes and removing verticle edges - but the error…
Leapfrog Viewer for iPads
Not sure if this will ever be developed, but having Leapfrog Viewer on an iPad would amazing, I wonder if this is in the plans for future releases… but would certainly be amazing. I´m fairly sure that the most recent models have more than enough computing power to run something like that.
Leapfrog Geo: Is there a way to export specific/filtered drillhole intercepts to DXF?
I know that there is a workaround to export traces via Exporting and Importing OMFs but that does not work when I just want to export certain intercepts (e.g drillholes with assay grades greater than a cutoff ) Thanks in advance!
What is the best way to model a fold in Leapfrog Geo
Am trying to model a Fold which includes multiple lithologies (Sediments and volcanics) and haven´t get yet with the best tool in Leapfrog Geo to do it, could it be planar structural data? as a surface? with point or polylines?
Balanced Shapes using the Intrusion Tool
What methods do folks find best to generate "balanced shapes" when using the Intrusion tool. An example being a narrow Intrusion shape (with an 65deg inclined structural trend applied) that has a limiting exterior point on one side from an adjacent drillhole, but unconstrained on the other side. Left to run freely the…
Has anyone face an error while trying to update the geological model extent?
I am following the Leapfrog Geothermal online self learning course, and while trying to update the geological model extent, I encountered this error: RBF fitter reached internal max iteration count does anyone knows how to fix this one?
What is the best way to get a list of all elements in a Leapfrog project?
Is there an easy way to get a list of every object/item in a project? Ideally it would be broken down in a format similar to the project tree but even a basic list would do. Does anyone have any solutions or tips? Thanks
The block model data in(.mdl)format is imported into the Leapfrog software
LF Works - Structural Data Mislabelled in Section
I am trying to label structural data in a section, and adding labels to them based on both dip/dip direction and also a column value. After adding them to the section and checking "Show dip/dip direction', they correctly display that information. However, when I also show labels for a column value (in this case Structure…
Importing surfaces from Petrel to Leapfrog Geo.
Hello, I have been working on petrel in a geological model and have exported the interpeted sufaces as ZMAP or CPS-3 or IRAP classic grids, and none of hem works to import those surfaces into the leapfrog project. Any recommendations on how to import those surfaces?
Sequent Connector Certificate
Hi All, I'm running Leapfrog or the first time on this machine and this is the error message i get when i try to access the connector. Can anyone help?
Points projection to the same plane
What is the best way to keep distance between specific points in a projection that are on the same surface or plane