How can i change the number of decimal places on an entry in my legend on a section?
I'm creating a cross section with a block model of a mag survey (discrete colourmap). My values are all quite small (3 decimal places) but the legend on the section will only display whole numbers. I can't see where I can add decimal places. Thanks for any help!
How do I get the estimated block model grade on my planned drilling via. the drilling prognoses tool
Using the drilling prognoses tools the leapfrog3d help segment suggests that planned drill holes can be evaluated against a block model: Planning Drillholes (leapfrog3d.com) There are two columns shown there, Au and GM. I have planned drill holes and I need to create a table of the approximate lithology and grade (from our…
Como puedo quitar esos bordes de la topografia?
About fault
i want to know how to control fault depth and length in a model which is bigger than the fault.I have try a lot of time ,but can't solve it.
who have the training Drilling data used for EDGE?
I want to check a issue about Mineral Resource Estimation. and find my traiuning drilling data (see the follwoing map) is cracked. I forget where I can download from Seequent website too. So who can send a copy to me or tell me where I can download? Thank you!
Leapfrog Geo Data for Training can't open in 2024.1.0
I'm trying to use the Oliver Project from Seequent to support my online training, but it doesn't update to my current version and open (image attached).Could you please help me on how to import it or even sending me the project in a version that can be opened? Thanks in advance!
Vein orientation error
Hello, I am being unable to process a vein because it doesnt let me flip orientation even though the hangingwall and footwall lines are correct. So I have 1 line of hangingwall as a gis object (on surface) and one for the footwall, but when I try to create a new vein in surface chronology it dips to the oposit direction,…
¿Es posible exportar un modelo geológico de un proyecto a otro sin convertirlo en un modelo estatic?
Tengo un modelo de alteración y otro litologico en dos proyectos separados, y quiero dejar ambos modelos en un solo proyecto. Leapfrog me permite exportar solo los solidos (dxf, msh,…), pero yo quiero que el modelo sea dinamico en el proyecto donde pretendo copiarlo. Creo que leapfrog no lo permite aun, solo he intentado…
Is there a limit to the number of models a surface can be applied to?
I have 11 numerical models within a project and I am trying to apply a boundary using a mesh surface to each of the models. I can add the mesh surface to the "first" 4 models, but cannot add it to additional models. Removing the mesh surface from one model allows me to add it to another, leading me to believe there is a…
Groundwater analytical data over time best practice
Does anyone have a best practice for how to import groundwater data that was collected over many sampling events (10+)? I am running into "Overlapping intervals" errors since I am importing all of groundwater analytical data from several events in the same table. I've included a example table of the format I am using to…
Why my display have issue while I'm slicing ?
My layer become distorted when slicing. It's normal when i'm not slicing !
Import a 3D photogrammetry model into LeapFrog
I'm trying to import a 3D model from Agisoft Metashape to LF but I'm not able to see it, I've tried to import it as meshes and as a design but neither of the two I can see in the scene, can anyone help me?
how to combine polylines into one?
combine the two polylines into one
Leapfrog Geo just stall and stop processing
Hi All, Have any of you had experience when running Leapfrog and Leapfrog seems to stop even though it says processing but without that running bar? I just remove one drillhole and the task to process is 1.7K. After four hours, there is 256 tasks remaining when it stalled. I re-start, shut down my laptop but it did not…
Surface Contact
anyone can help, why my surface contact are skewed? why its not created as flat surface?
Erosional (Soil) surface is extending and connecting boreholes which doesn’t have soil lithology.
So I have vertical boreholes (iron ore deposit) and top layer is soil. When creating erosional layer using the ‘erosion’ surface in Leapfrog Geo as can be seen in the Fig. 1, resulting erosional layer is extending and connecting the boreholes which don’t even have soil as layer (yellow bold dots are soil layer and…
How can i make my extruded meshes deeper than 10km?
Im making a extruded mesh from a polyline, to drape a image on it. However, i need the mesh to be 40km deep to fit the image, but the tool only let me extrude to 10km. Is there any other way to achieve that?
How to add structural trend or non-ctct structural data to a mesh without closing it?
I'm trying to create a mesh to use as a vein reference surface (it's a near-vertical vein running NW-SE for roughly 700m). I have a polyline based on some mapping, and some structural measurements. When i create the mesh with the polyline, it creates a mesh which looks pretty good. I then try to add a structural trend…
How can I generate the solid tin surface to from leapfrog to Civil3D
After the surface Chronology, how can I generate the soil volume mesh and then create or export to a tin solid surface in CIVIL 3D
Geological Model
Hello, is it possible convert lithology into number? e.g i have a 30m granite from 0m to 30m and i would like to code GRANITE as "1" so that instead of granite it will "1" in new calculation column but the result will be 0-1m=1, 1-2m=1,………29-30=1m?
Latest User Manual for Leapfrog Works
Can someone please help me with the latest Leapfrog works User Manual. I were able to find the 2020 version (Version 3.1) on google but it seems quite outdated.
Import a 3D photogrammetry model into LF
Hello, I’m trying to import a 3D model from Agisoft Metashape (photoscan) to LF. I’ve tryed to import the dense cloud points and asign the colors to each point but it didn’t work. I’ve uploaded a obj model as a mesh, it is loaded but I cant import the texture. Apparently only ireg files (texture vulcan format) can be…
Exporting mesh texture
Hi all, I have two projects: 1) my main project with lots of data and several geological models and 2) a mini-project with just one mesh with a photo compilation of drone imagery aka "mesh texture. Can I export the mesh *with* the texture from project 2 and import into project 1?
Borehole collar elevation
Hi currently i trying to simple geological model based on cptu data and when layouting the long section i noticed that z elevation for borehole doesnt match the GM. any idea how to make it match?
Hello, is it possible to export only ignored collar data?