Python Error: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'float'
Hi All, I'm trying to get data from a database using GX Developer Python API. Whatever I do, I keep getting the following error NumPy downgrading to 1.20 doesn't help. Any ideas about what could be wrong?
GXPY 9.10: cannot import name 'gxapi_cy' from partially initialized module 'geosoft.gxapi'
I have been trying to get up and running with GXPY 9.10 with Conda Python 3.8.10. It works fine if I install the geosoft package from pip. But in a separate environment, if I download GXPY from GITHUB, and add it to my PYTHONPATH, I get this error when trying to `import geosoft.gxpy as gxpy`: ImportError: cannot import…
How to grid a .gdb channel in python.
I can write a python script to create a geosoft grid using the surfer API however can some generous person point to or give an example how to grid from a python script using the geosoft gxapi or gxpy? I don't understand why this basic step is not in the tutorial.
Changing line type in a new database
Hello! I am currently writing code for a Python extension, using Python 3.7 in PyCharm and Geosoft 9.8. So far I've created 2 new output databases, and I've added new channel data by duplicating and editing it from an input database with line type "L". My issue is after creating and adding channels to these output…
gxpy write_channel method
When trying to create an array channel using the gxpy library, I get an issue with the write_channel method. I get the following error : AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'width' I am unsure what the issue is but I suspect that it might be something to do with line 1918 in gdb.py which has the…
Why geosoft.gxpy not working?
Posted this question this morning, but not seeing it listed. Trying it again. New to geosoft. Got a Developer ID, download python module and installed (pip install geosoft-9.3.1-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl), open a command line and run some code, but get an error. See attached. Should I get some kind of Developer ID related…
Why geosoft.gxpy not working
Very new to Geosoft. Installed gxpy module (pip install geosoft-9.3.1-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl) and obtained a Geosoft ID. On command line, test the code below, but got a dll error as shown in attached. I guess I need some kind of key file that references my Geosoft ID? Can somebody help? set PATH=C:\Program…