Solving SEEP/W models faster

Posts: 3

in GeoStudio
I need to solve transient analysis(SEEP/W & TEMP/W Coupled) over three years. I am using my laptop with a CPU i7-1185G7 for solving. It takes too much to solve the model. As I know, I can not use HPC for solving as GeoStudio is windows supported software. Is it correct?
Could you please suggest the options for running GEOSTUDIO models faster?
Could you please suggest the options for running GEOSTUDIO models faster?
You cannot use HPC for solving GeoStudio files unfortunately.
For coupled thermo-hydro analyses, the saving grace is optimization:
- Can you reduce the number of finite elements where possible?
- Can you reduce the number of saved points?
- Can you split the analysis in a series of shorter analyses where you only solve the part that is relevant?
Unfortunately, there is often just so much you can do. Eventually, if you need to solve three years worth of data, it is probably going to take a long time...0