Licence for Create_CPG

JohnPaine Posts: 14 Topaz Rank Badge
edited February 2023 in GeoStudio

I've been testing my gxNet code for users who do not have an Oasis licence and encountered a problem with the call to create a pager. The relevant line in the code looks like this:

CPG PGSpec = CPG.Create(iNy, iNx, GS_TYPESConstant.GS_FLOAT);

The (hopefully correctly transcribed) error message generated is:

Unable to bind the "?Create_PG@@YAJPAUh_gxx@@PBJ11@Z" wrapper function. The licence for this file is missing.

According to the documentation for CPG.Create, the method should work for everyone:

Creates a Pager object
Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0.0
License: Available to anyone.

Is the documentation incorrect, or is there something else going wrong? The call works fine if Oasis is licenced.

Best regards
John Paine


  • PS after the CPG.Create fails, the application fails and reports the error:

    Run failed because IAbsoluteFileName_SYS: Invalid string size.

    I assume this is related as I don't use this variable.
  • Hi John,

    The documentation is incorrect and seems like a bug in our documentation generator. I would recommend to use the gxh files in the "gx\include" folder for the time being.

  • Hi Joseph,

    OK, that's pretty much what I figured from the error message. Though I was unsure because the CIMG.Create function seemed to work fine from the viewer even though it says "License: Available to anyone with an Oasis Montaj license" and it didn't make sense to me that you can use CIMG and not CPG.

    Also, I'm not sure what you mean about using the gxh files. Do you mean that I should check the [_licensed] line? Does the presence of the line in the header indicate that the routine requires a licence?

    Best regards
  • Hi John,

    Yes the [_licensed] would indicate that the function requires a licensed version of OM.

    The labels for free and licensed functions in our documentation are switched which is causing the confusion.

  • Hi Joseph,

    OK, that makes sense. Create_PG has [_licensed] and Create_IMG has [_public] and that definitely agrees with what happens when I used them with no licence.

    Best regards
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