Is it possible to model capillary fringe with Seep/W?

Dear all,
I am working on a project where we need to model the creeping flow with capillarity. I am curious and want to know if GeoStudio Seep/W is able to give us the shape of phreatic surface , height of seepage face and width of capillary fringe?
answers will be appreciated.
Yes, the SEEP/W formulation allows for comprehensive understanding of both saturated and unsaturated pore water pressure conditions. The saturated/unsaturated material model defines material properties (volumetric water content and hydraulic conductivity) over both positive and negative pore water pressures. Thus, when a SEEP/W analysis is solved, the pore water pressures (negative and positive) and the corresponding material properties are known throughout the domain. This includes the volumetric water content and saturation so the depth of the capillary fringe can be determined.
SEEP/W also includes a potential seepage face boundary condition that when applied, computes which nodes have seepage and which don't.