Contact Surface Values

I am building deposit surfaces in a GM and i am getting bad results (segments of drill holes not included in the surface). When I display the contact surface values, some of the drill holes do not have any points at all or have incomplete points and that is why they are not being honored by the surface (or so I think). Can anyone explain what is going on here? I have checked my tables for gaps in the information but found none.
What type of surface are you using?
I would suggest reading through our help menu to better understand the different surface types and have they work. I would recommend this link:
If you are using a deposit or erosion surface, it relies on there being a contact in the drillhole. So if you have a drilhole that is entirely a single lithology, you may find that you need to manually edit the surface to ensure it passes above or below the surface to get the best representation.
I would also ensure you check that when you create the surface, you click the "compositing" tab ensure you arent removing any small intervals to simply the lithology modelling.