How do i get LF to interpolate better between borehole points

Good Day, i have attached an image of an issue i am having with LF. I am trying to create a geological model from borehole data. I have known points however LF does not interpolate between some of these points. See blue arrow in image. I have tried adding in manual manipulations using polylines shown with the block box on the image , however LF only interpolates at that point and does not extend the interpolation further. How do i get LF to increase its interpolation distance. I have adjusted the resolution to 100 in this case and the max clipping distance is also at 100%. What else can i do to fix this?
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Hi @PrishalanNaidoo were you able to fix this?
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Hi @PrachiChitkara ,
No i have not found a workaround for this as yet. Do you perhaps have something in mind?
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For Numeric Models and Intrusion, you can set a trend, and interpolatation settings to adjust the direction and range at which continuity is looked for.
Under interpolation setting, I would recommend increasing the Base Range. This should be 2-3 times the average drill space. You will also want to ensure the trend, and ellipsoid ranges are set to align with the direction of continuity, so its looking in the correct direction for similar data points.
I would recommend reading through the help menu information here:
If you have a very thin deposit, and the distance between drillholes is wide, you may need to add more polylines to force the continuity if editing the settings doesn't work. Alternative options, are to try a vein model, which works for for thin, continuous units.