Groundwater analytical data over time best practice

Does anyone have a best practice for how to import groundwater data that was collected over many sampling events (10+)? I am running into "Overlapping intervals" errors since I am importing all of groundwater analytical data from several events in the same table. I've included a example table of the format I am using to import analytical data.
Seems like the only way to do it "right" is by importing each sample event as a separate table, but with data from every 4 quarters for the last 10 years, that is a lot of data to import and visualize. I feel like there should be a way to which between event using a category column or a query.
hi @BenjaminLockwood great question!
You found a limitation when importing time series data within the Borehole Import. I'd suggest continuing your workaround of importing individual sampling events into the Borehole folder to eliminate the duplicate "Errors".
If using Leapfrog Works - You can get around these errors by turning on the Contaminants Extension and importing your table into the Points Folder as "Time Dependent Points". This will allow you to import these time series data without Leapfrog calling out an Error. You would then create query filters to isolate specific sampling events.
I've attached an example file of how you would set up your table for a Time Dependent Import.
*There are some limitations using this method- for example not being able to create Merged Tables like you can for interval data..
You can read up on adding Time Dependent Points to your Model here: Help Guide-Time Dependent Points
Sean Buchanan
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Thanks for the followup Sean, I'll check it out!