using one metal grade low CoG results in invalid value of other metal when reporting MRE

ChaoxianZhou1 Posts: 4 Calcite Rank Badge
edited October 2024 in Leapfrog

In the mineralization domain, there are Au, and Cu.

Here I use eq(Cu+Au) to act as cut-off grade (CoG) to do Mineral Resource Estimation.

eqCuAu means Cu +equvalent to Cu from Au

when using CoG=0%, there are invalid in Cu grade and contained Cu;

when using CoG=0.2%, there are still some invalid in Cu grade and contained Cu;

when using CoG=0.3%, the invalid value disappears.


when I use Cu as CoG, all data (including eqCuAu, Cu and Au) are valid.

what wrong?

How should I get rid of the invalid value if I have to use eqCuAu CoG =0.2%?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • CarrieNicholls
    CarrieNicholls Posts: 4 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hi Ian,

    It looks like you have blocks with the Status 'Without_value' in your model for 'Kr,Cu_WH'. Yet the blocks with the Cu equivalent do have a value. I know this does not make logical sense.

    View your block model on the 'Kr, Cu_WH' field for the Status. Filter out the 'Normal' blocks and you may be able to easily locate the blocks that are missing the value in the Scene. Alternatively, you could create a Filter on your block model in the Calcs to find these blocks.

    It sounds like you need to address these blocks in Cu that have no value, whether that is reviewing the parameters, use in the estimation or through calculations on the block model.

    Kind regards



  • Thank you.

    I convert the blank block with 0 value. then it works.

    Only 2 blocks with 0 value.