Rose diagram

Hi there, previous version had a tool plotting rose diagram, but the current one doesnt have.. Do i miss it or still not implemented ?
Hi @GeorgiIvanov. You're correct; the rose plot has not been implemented in this version. I will add you request to our feedback system but in the meantime, would you be able to tell me a bit about your studies and what research or subjects you're working on where the rose plot would come in useful. For example, are you a student or teacher? How often would you use a rose plot? What did you like about the old version's rose plot and more importantly what did you NOT like about the old one? Any alternative methods you have seen?
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I am a professional with limited knowledge of the advanced software like Leapfrog Geo. We are currently dealing with large data of structural measurements and i am looking for pattern telling me about the tectonic setting. Old version was splendid. One was able to import large amount of data from xls spreadsheets onto the your Stereonet generator.. here just one by one input of data. Rose diagram is great tool when you deal with lots of randomly scattered data (at first glance). The old rose plot was simply designed and easy for reading.