Why does Leapfrog Geo/Works Default Import Meshes with Smooth Faces?

I only want to see the original mesh, not a smoothed and altered version. It'd be nice to not have to immediately turn it off with every new mesh import. If Leapfrog has a reason for why it smooths faces initially I would like to hear it.
Hola Andrew…
al importar archivos de mallas tiene la opción de suavizarlas o mostrar la triangulación de estas (archivo original).
Puedes activar o desactivar esto de manera muy sencilla, primero tienes que ir a shape list, ubicar tu archivo, sobre el archivo desplazarte hacia la derecha hasta encontrar tres íconos en forma triangular, el primero esta activado por default, el segundo es el que tienes que activar para poder visualizar tu malla sin suavisar.
Saludos0 -
Did you try to click the options on the shapelist panel? See the red circle in screenshot.
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My issue is not how to turn on and off mesh smoothing, it's that Leapfrog default imports a mesh with smoothing on, when I would expect it to import it as the original shape without smoothing. This could be resolved with an easy check box in the settings that says "Always smooth meshes during initial import". Nearly all applications of importing a mesh require viewing the mesh in its original state, not a smoothed version. Does anyone else agree?