evaluated column accuracy with numerical model

I have a numerical model that i'm trying to imprint on a point cloud file using the evaluated column function. This appears to be very accurate with the geologic models in my project, but very inaccurate with the numerical model. Is this a resolution issue within the numerical model or another trick i can use to increase the accuracy?
Hi @BrettMayhew
The evaluations work slightly differntly for geological (GM) vs numeric models (NM). With GMs the points would be classified by only by their location within the GM output volume while with the NMs it is the RBF algorithm output that is evaluated to the point not the isosurface that you see in the scene view. Therefore, changing the resolution would not have any effect on the evaluation of the numeric model. If you would like to evaluate the numeric model to the points as a set of categories, you can add them to a grouped mesh and then evaluate that onto the points.Thanks