How to copy a Layout Template (or Section) to another branch? (Or how to merge branches in general?)

Hi there,

I need to copy/import a Layout Template and (Long) Sections from one Branch to another. How to achieve this with Central?

In general, "merging" branches (of a Leapfrog Project) seems to be a very immature feature as objects can barely be copied from one branch to another. We were hoping to collaborate on a huge project to speed up finishing it, but it seems Central isn't of any help in this issue as even Geological Models can only be copied as a static-copy like model. Due to this the branches are basically all doomed to be one-way streets with dead ends. Creating a long term project seems to be implausible with how Central works.

Or do I miss something?


  • CarlyThorpe1
    CarlyThorpe1 Posts: 20 mod

    Hi @ChristianHofmann

    Unfortunately, we aren't able to share sections between branches as editable objects at this stage, but that feature has been requested. We have many central users who colaborate on large projects in a variety of interesting ways. You might find this short video useful Branching in Seequent Central | Tips & Tricks - Seequent

    You can also reach out to us through for more specific assistance on your project.

