Export res2dinv model to build a 3d model

MayuriPhukan Posts: 1
edited June 2024 in AGS Res2DInv & Res3DInv

I want to export my 2d resistivity sections (xyzg, g = resistivity) from Res2dinv to build a solid 3d resistivity model (for which i will use rockworks).

The export option in res2dinv is either AGS xyz (which gives xyz positions of block corners and global x and y of block centres) or surfer (Gives Global xyz of block centres). Which export option should I use? Is there any related tutorial or documentation?



  • Hi Mayuri

    We dont have any tutorials for how to export to Rockworks software. It will depend on what formats they support on import?

    From what I can read on their webpage, the XYZ export should have the information needed to import. The X,Y coordinates of each model block center, Z for the depth to each model block center and the resistivity and IP values for each model block.

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