How to Upload Images to the Imago Portal using Imago Connect + Tool
Imago Connect + Tool provides a simple method to upload images to the Imago Portal using an intuitive interface.
- Select the Upload Images task from the left hand panel.
- Select a CSV file which contains the required fields for the upload (1 on the screenshot).
- Map the fields to the Imago Portal expected fields (2 on the screenshot).
- Click Upload to initiate the upload.
The [] signifies either/or combination. For core tray for core tray Imagery Types columns should be startDepth, endDepth or NAME, X,Y,Z for point data types. NAME (optional) is useful to signify, for example, the point location (e.g. South Face - 03').
To create a CSV file which contains the required images and fields:
i) Open excel and then navigate to the folder that contains the files.
ii) Select all the files in the folder. You can use the shortcut keys, Ctrl + a.
iii) Hold Shift + right-click.
In the window that pops up, click Copy as path. This copies the file path of all the files to the Clipboard.
iv) Paste file paths in Excel.
v) Export as a CSV.
To complete fields mapping:
Once a CSV is (generated and) selected on the Imago Connect + Tool: click Field Mapping. The Definitions dialog opens, listing: the required Imago fields on the left-hand side and column names identified in the file, on the right-hand side.
Imago Connect will automatically map identically named columns in the CSV to the expected names.
If you use names that do not match the required imago names, you must map them manually.
Select the Imago column name on the left-hand sided and click the column on the right hand side, then select the relevant column from the dropdown list (derived from the columns in the file):
For core tray images, ensure startDepth and endDepth in the CSV file are populated.
Conversely, for point data (such as surface samples), ensure X, Y and Z are populated.
Initiate the upload on the Imago Connect + Tool by pressing 'Upload'.