Leapfrog Works - Low efficiency on multiple objects for Numeric Model
I am using numeric models to generate buffer surface of a mesh (a planar surface to model fault).
It works fine if I only include one object, but when I try to include more than one object, the process time grow exponentially. Is there a way to solve it?
Work Fine:
Process for hours:
My meshes look like this:
My ultimate goal is to create an influence zone as an output volume in my geological model (instead of fault blocks), if there are any other approach to do so is also greatly appreciated.
Hi SunnyTang,
I would suggest sending an email to support@seequent.com and having our support team take a look at the project. It's hard to diagnose without the data and understanding any complexities with the meshes, their resolution and how large the extents are. For testing, Id suggest try adding one mesh at a time. And then seeing if the processing time slowly increases or if there is a particular jump when one mesh is added. This may help narrow down the cause of the slower processing to a particular object.