Download the latest version of Leapfrog!
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We are excited to share Leapfrog 2023.2, our latest release that continues to advance Leapfrog's modelling, interoperability and visualisation capabilities. Packed with solid incremental improvements and some exciting new features, this release is guaranteed to improve your geological modelling workflows.
Key standouts and new features include:
- Incremental improvements to Leapfrog's core Geological Modelling functionality;
- Improving the resilience of interval selection and vein edits when data is added or projects updated;
- New Grid Surface feature allows you to create grid surfaces from block models, grid of points or geophysical grids;
- Import customised title blocks into layouts, then crops and scale to page margins; and
- New rendered map tool to create maps imagery from Leapfrog scene in a birds-eye view and export to GeoTIFF format.